Gets a virtual currency list for building a catalog.
project_id required | integer Project ID. You can find this parameter in your Publisher Account next to the name of the project. Example: 44056 |
limit | integer Limit for the number of elements on the page. Example: limit=50 |
offset | integer Number of the element from which the list is generated (the count starts from 0). Example: offset=0 |
locale | string Default: "en" Response language. Two-letter lowercase language code per ISO 639-1. |
additional_fields[] | Array of strings The list of additional fields. These fields will be in the response if you send them in your request. |
country | string Two-letter uppercase country code per ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. Check the documentation for detailed information about countries supported by Xsolla and the process of determining the country. Example: country=US |
promo_code | string [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Unique case sensitive code. Contains letters and numbers. Example: promo_code=WINTER2021 |
show_inactive_time_limited_items | integer Default: 0 Shows time-limited items that are not available to the user. The validity period of such items has not started or has already expired. Example: show_inactive_time_limited_items=1 |
The list of virtual currency was successfully received.
{- "has_more": false,
- "items": [
- {
- "sku": "com.xsolla.big_rocket_1",
- "name": "Big Rocket",
- "groups": [
- {
- "external_id": "weapons",
- "name": {
- "en": "weapons"
], - "attributes": [
- {
- "external_id": "stack_size",
- "name": "Stack size",
- "values": [
- {
- "external_id": "size_e3364991f92e751689a68b96598a5a5a84010b85",
- "value": "5"
], - "type": "virtual_currency",
- "description": "Big Rocket - short description",
- "is_free": false,
- "price": {
- "amount": "100.99",
- "amount_without_discount": "100.99",
- "currency": "USD"
}, - "virtual_prices": [
- {
- "amount": 100,
- "sku": "com.xsolla.shotgun_raider_1",
- "is_default": true,
- "amount_without_discount": 100,
- "type": "virtual_currency",
- "description": "description"
], - "can_be_bought": true,
- "inventory_options": {
- "consumable": {
- "usages_count": 1
}, - "expiration_period": null
}, - "promotions": [ ],
- "limits": null,
- "periods": [
- {
- "date_from": "2020-08-11T10:00:00+03:00",
- "date_until": "2020-08-11T20:00:00+03:00"
], - "custom_attributes": {
- "purchased": 0,
- "attr": "value"
}, - "vp_rewards": [ ]
}, - {
- "sku": "com.xsolla.shotgun_raider_2",
- "groups": [
- {
- "external_id": "weapons",
- "name": {
- "en": "weapons"
], - "attributes": [
- {
- "external_id": "stack_size",
- "name": "Stack size",
- "values": [
- {
- "external_id": "size_e3364991f92e751689a68b96598a5a5a84010b85",
- "value": "5"
}, - {
- "external_id": "rating",
- "name": "Rating",
- "values": [
- {
- "external_id": "rating_e3364991f92e751689a68b96598a5a5a84010b85",
- "value": "3.9"
], - "type": "virtual_currency",
- "description": "description",
- "is_free": false,
- "price": {
- "amount": "101.0",
- "amount_without_discount": "101.0",
- "currency": "USD"
}, - "virtual_prices": [ ],
- "can_be_bought": true,
- "inventory_options": {
- "consumable": {
- "usages_count": 1
}, - "expiration_period": null
}, - "promotions": [ ],
- "limits": null,
- "periods": [
- {
- "date_from": null,
- "date_until": "2020-08-11T20:00:00+03:00"
], - "vp_rewards": [ ]
}, - {
- "sku": "com.xsolla.shotgun_raider_3",
- "groups": [ ],
- "attributes": [ ],
- "type": "virtual_currency",
- "description": "description",
- "is_free": true,
- "price": null,
- "virtual_prices": [ ],
- "can_be_bought": true,
- "inventory_options": {
- "consumable": {
- "usages_count": 1
}, - "expiration_period": null
}, - "promotions": [ ],
- "limits": null,
- "periods": [ ],
- "vp_rewards": [ ]