Working with filters

You can set up filters for a specific chart or for the entire report. Data filtering is available in both edit mode and view mode. You can add an unlimited number of filters.

To set up filters:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Go to Analytics > Reports.

  1. Open an existing report or create a new one.
  1. Select an area to apply the filter — add the filter to the entire report or to a specific chart.
    1. To add a filter to an entire report:
      1. Click the funnel icon to open filters.
      1. Select Add Filter to see a list of all dimensions and measures available in the data source and add a filter.
    1. To add a filter to a specific chart:
      1. Click Edit to open the settings and select the chart you want to add a filter to.
      2. Go to the Chart filters section in the chart settings and click the + icon to see a list of all dimensions and measures available in the chart and add a filter.
    Filters are named according to the name of the dimension or measure by which the filtering is performed by default. After adding filters, you can rename them.

    1. Add a filter:

    Chart filters are displayed in the Chart filters section.

    Report filters are displayed in the Report filters section.

    Setting filters by date

    You can set up filters:

    Date filter type

    To set a filter by date:
    1. Click Add a Filter and select a dimension with Date type.

    1. From the drop-down list, select the time intervals to filter.

    1. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    1. Mark the period and click Done.

    Date range filter type

    To filter by date range:
    1. Click Add a Filter and select Date range.
    2. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    3. Select a dimension with Date type, to which the filter will be applied.
    4. Set filter period limits or use preconfigured date ranges.

    Date index filter type

    You can set up a Date index filter and get regular data for a specified period. For example, sales data for your product on Mondays or for a specified month over several years. To set up filter:
    1. Click Add a Filter and select Date index.
    2. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    3. Select the specific period for which you want to display data.

    Setting filters for dimension of string or territory type

    When adding a filter to fields of type String or Territory, you can choose one of the filtering types:

    Select filter type

    The Select filter type allows you to display the specified dimension elements on the chart. To set up a filter:
    1. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts

    1. Check the elements you want to display on the chart. Use the search tool if needed.

    1. By default, the selected items are included in the list. If you want to exclude selected items and leave the rest, open the filter settings and select Exclude.

    1. By default, you can check multiple items to add to the selection. If you want to add the ability to select only one element, select Single Select in the filter settings.

    1. Click Done. The chart will be updated based on the specified filter.

    Wildcard filter type

    The Wildcard filter type allows you to filter rows by a specific value. To set up a filter:
    1. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    2. Select a data display condition from the drop-down list.
    1. Enter a value in the String field.

    1. By default, selected items are included in the selection. If you want to exclude the selected items and include the rest, open the filter settings and select Exclude.

    1. Click Done. The chart will be updated based on the specified filter.

    Ranking filter type

    The Ranking filter type allows you to display any number of top or bottom elements on the chart. To set up a filter:
    1. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    2. Select from the drop-down list whether you want to display top or bottom elements of the dimension.
    3. Specify the number of elements to display.
    1. Select the measure on which the calculation will be performed and the type of aggregation.
    2. By default, selected items are included in the selection. If you want to exclude the selected items and include the rest, open the filter settings and select Exclude.
    3. Click Done. The chart will be updated based on the specified filter.

    Setting filters by measure

    To apply a report filter to numeric fields:

    1. Click Add a filter.
    2. Choose a measure and aggregation type.

    1. Select the charts to apply the filter to:
      • all charts built on this data source
      • specified charts
    2. Set element filtering condition.
    1. Enter a value to fulfill the condition.
    1. Click Done.The chart will be updated based on the specified filter.

    Filter management

    After adding the report filter is saved:

    • on the Report filters tab
    • on the Setting tab in the Report filters section.

    After adding the chart filter is saved on the Setting tab in the Chart filters section.

    Using the context menu, you can perform the following actions with added filter:

    • rename
    • activate/deactivate
    • change the chart to which the filter is applied
    • hide the filter in view mode
    • delete

    You can enable or disable all report filters using the Enable All or Disable All buttons.

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    Last updated: January 22, 2024

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