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How it works


A set of several items that are sold as a single unit.
Virtual currency
The in-game currency that is used for purchasing and selling virtual items. Depending on its purpose, a virtual currency affects the game economy balance or is connected to monetization of the application.
A set of all items within the game that the user can buy, earn while playing the game, or spend.
Consumable item
An item in the inventory that can be accrued or purchased repeatedly and decreases in its number once used. Example: coins, grenades and bullets to attack opponents, etc.
Nonconsumable item
An item in the inventory that can be accrued or purchased only once. Users can have only one unit of this item in the inventory. It can be removed from the inventory only via a server method. Example: access to a location, status, subscription, preinstalled DLC, etc.
Time-limited items
A nonconsumable item that is available for a limited period of time and becomes inactive in the inventory when it expires. The user buys this item again to activate it. For example, premium access or season access.

Integration flow

  1. Create a new project.
  2. Create item catalog in one of the following ways:
  3. Set up webhooks to receive notifications about events.
  4. Set up selling items.
  5. Integrate store into the game.
You can also utilize ready-to-use solutions for in-game store integration.
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Last updated: November 25, 2024

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