Errors list

0401-1000Errors occur while working with IGS & BB API.
0401-1016Invalid encoding of one of the query parameters (different from UTF-8).
0401-1017Wrong UUID format.
0401-1019Call not supported.
0401-1020Basic authorization error while using API key from Publisher Account.
0401-1023Error while deleting/changing stock — Insufficient stock.
0401-1024Authorization error while using DDH key.
0401-1101Service unavailable (incorrect address, connection denied, or timeout).
0401-1102Incorrect request input data.
0401-1103Error while processing on the third-party service side.
0401-1200Invalid coupon type.
0401-1401Cart not found.
0401-1402Incorrect item in cart.
0401-1403Incorrect cart contents.
0401-1411Item in cart not found.
0401-1421Sent when cart is in inconsistent state or will become inconsistent when updated or filled.
0401-1451Cannot complete withdrawn payment if feature is disabled.
0401-1452Specified payment method not found for user.
0401-1501Authorization error.
0401-1551Order data not approved by AFS.
0401-1600Errors while working with regional restrictions.
0401-1601Attempt to get item that is forbidden in user region.
0401-1700Errors while setting up a project.
0401-1801DDH not found.
0401-2000Errors while working with Pay Station API.
0401-2001Pay Station token authorization error.
0401-2503Project webhook error.
0401-4001Item with these criteria not found.
0401-4002Item with specified criteria already exists.
0401-4051Item attribute not found.
0401-4052Wrong attribute value for attribute with specified name.
0401-4053Item attribute of unknown type.
0401-4054Item price not found.
0401-4055Item default price not set.
0401-4056Project uses custom pricing feature. You cannot specify price for item.
0401-4057Call not available if custom pricing feature enabled.
0401-4058To use specified custom pricing, feature must be enabled for project.
0401-4059Project uses custom pricing feature. Provide cart’s currency, amount, and amount without discount for every item in the cart.
0401-4060No items found. The resulting cart is empty.
0401-4061Provided currency not supported.
0401-4062Resulting amount of cart equals zero.
0401-4081Cannot change pre-order settings if sales exist.
0401-4082Attempt to enable item display in catalog when required fields are not set.
0401-4083Turning on pre-orders is restricted while you have available items in an inventory. Please, update the inventory and clear available items.
0401-4084Default price without country not found.
0401-4302Bundles cannot contain themselves, you try to create bundle recursion.
0401-4303Virtual currency package can contain only virtual currency.
0401-4304Cannot convert bundle type.
0401-4305Virtual currency package must contain exactly 1 position of virtual currency.
0401-4306Item is not a virtual currency package.
0401-4307Bundle can not contain physical goods.
0401-4401Group with this external_id already exists in project.
0401-4402Item group with items cannot be deleted.
0401-4403Item group not found.
0401-4404Group cannot be its own parent.
0401-4405Group or one of its parents doesn’t belong to specified project (project_id).
0401-4601Exceeded limit of keys for one game per cart.
0401-4602Cannot decode keys.
0401-4603Game code not found.
0401-4604Game not found.
0401-5002Provided invalid data for adding item to inventory. Specify item ID and use instance ID or quantity with null value (unique or common).
0401-5003Specify user ID.
0401-5004Item not found in user inventory.
0401-5005Item already in inventory.
0401-5006Not enough virtual currency.
0401-5007Impossible to consume nonconsumable item.
0401-5008User not found.
0401-5009External purchase didn’t pass purchase in request during entitlement.
0401-5101Entitlement already exists.
0401-5102Entitlement not found.
0401-5103Selected DRM is not DRM-free.
0401-5104You can not buy the game because you have an unpaid order with this game already. Finish a purchase or try again in 5 minutes.
0401-5105Unsupported operation in entitlement.
0401-5106Item is in pre-order state and can not be granted.
0401-5107Game key was already activated.
0401-8000Xsolla Login could not get users.
0401-8001Cannot receive Xsolla Login JWT.
0401-8002Invalid token.
0401-8003Log in through Steam or provide steam_id in access_token.
0401-9001Order not found.
0401-9002Error when updating order.
0401-9003Provide additional data required to purchase.
0401-9502Cannot find promotion.
0401-9504Promotion end date is earlier than the start date. Check the dates in your request.
0401-9505Promotion update error.
0401-9506Error occurred when creating promotion for item.
0401-9507One or more items weren’t found in your project. Check the list of items.
0401-9508Percent value must be positive (like 15.99 or 10).
0401-9509More than 1 instance of the same nonconsumable bonus item.
0401-9601Incorrect input data for widget initialization.
0401-9602Item not found.
0401-9701Region not found.
0401-9702Region with this country already exists.
0401-9703Country not found.
0401-9704Region is not linked to item, but item has prices in this region.
0401-9801This code is unavailable for redemption.
0401-9802Coupon/promo code not found.
0401-9803Code already exists.
0401-9804You have reached the coupon redemption limit.
0401-9805Fill the cart before coupon redemption.
0401-9806This code is unavailable for redemption.
0401-9807Enter valid coupon code.
0401-9808Coupon is not available in your region.
0401-9809Selected bonuses are invalid.
0401-9810Code expired.
0401-9901Attribute not found.
0401-9904Attribute already exists.
0401-9906Attribute value not found.
0401-9907Attribute value already exists.
0401-9908The number of attributes you specified for the item exceeds the required limit. Try to specify fewer attributes.
0401-9909The number of attribute values you specified for the item exceeds the required limit. Try to specify fewer attribute values.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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