How to carry out maintenance of a game

How it works

You can manage your game availability while you fix issues and improve performance. This is called maintenance mode.

The maintenance mode can be enabled separately for published and test launcher builds.

When a game is under maintenance, the game’s Play button is disabled in the launcher, and users see the maintenance message.

How to enable it

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Launcher in the side menu.
  3. Find the launcher on the dashboard, and click Edit launcher.
  4. In the Settings section of the launcher project, click Maintenance.
  5. In the game’s maintenance section, toggle Edit maintenance message. In the modal window that opens:
    1. For each language supported by the launcher, fill in the fields:
      • Title — enter the title of the message that will be displayed to players during maintenance.
      • Description — specify the reason for the maintenance and the expected downtime (optional).
    2. Click Save.
  6. In the game’s maintenance section, set the Maintenance mode toggle to On.
  7. Confirm the action by clicking Yes, enable.
  8. The Live status next to the game name will change to Maintenance.
The game automatically enters the maintenance mode and becomes unavailable to play. To stop maintenance, set the Maintenance mode toggle to Off in the game’s section, and then confirm the action. The Maintenance status next to the game name will change to Live.

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Last updated: June 5, 2024

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