Configure content

Content is rectangular tiles that contain various types of information for a user. The launcher displays content tiles in different locations based on the conditions on game pages.

Using content tiles, you can:

  • Sell virtual goods: items, currencies, or game keys from Xsolla In-Game Store.
  • Show news.
  • Redirect to external resources or other sections in the launcher.
  • Show images.
  • Embed videos from YouTube.

To configure content settings:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Launcher in the side menu.
  3. Find the launcher on the dashboard, and click Edit launcher.
  4. Click Content.
  5. In the Content section:
  6. Click Save Changes.

Create content

To create content in launcher, do the following:

  1. In the Launcher settings > Content section click Create content.
  2. In a window that appears, configure the following sections:
    1. General settings
    2. Content placement in the launcher
    3. Content type
    4. Link address
    5. Countries and languages
    6. Content settings
  3. If you want the content tile to always be on top of the tile list, select Pin to top.
A pinned item will have the pin icon in the Importance column of the table and a highlighted item — the star icon in that column.

  1. If you want to make the content tile more visible in the tile list, select Highlight.
    The launcher arranges tiles in columns. The number of columns that the launcher displays depends on its window size. The minimum number of columns is two, the maximum is four. So, the width of the highlighted content tile will always be equal to the width of the two columns.

This setting is not available for the Game page (featured) placement.

  1. Click Create.

A new content item with the Draft value in the Status column will be added to the table. The draft status means that the content is not visible in the launcher. To make the content visible, you need to publish it.

General settings

The General settings section allows you to configure the following settings:
  • Related game — the game to which the content relates. The field is useful when collecting analytical data to evaluate cross-promotion of games. For example, when you want to promote Game 2 on the Game 1 page.
  • Platforms — distribution platforms where the launcher will show the content. The only available value is Own platform.

Content placement in the launcher

The Content placement in the launcher section allows you to configure the following settings:

  • Placement — the location where the launcher will show the content. The available locations are:
    • Game page (promo) — show the content in the news feed on the page with a game that a user does not own yet.
    • Game page (featured) — show the content as a banner on a game’s page.
    • Game page (news feed) — show the content in the news feed on the page with a game that a user owns.
    • News page — show the content on the News tab for the selected game.
  • Game for placement — the game on the page of which the launcher will show the content.
If you want the launcher to show the content on all game pages, leave the default value (All games)

Content type

The Type field defines what type of information the content tile should contain:

  • News — an image with a text underneath. Clicking the tile opens an article that can contain rich-formatted content with multimedia.

  • Video — a YouTube video without any text. Clicking the tile opens a popup window that contains an embedded player with the video.

  • Image — an image without any text. Clicking the tile opens a popup window that is filled with the image.

  • Link — an image with a text underneath. Clicking the tile either opens an external link in a web browser or redirects to a launcher page. For redirection options, see read the instruction.

This section is available only if the Link value is selected in the Type field.

If you want to redirect a user to an external link, select External link, and then specify the link address in the URL field.

If you want to redirect a user to a page in the launcher:

  1. Select Link in Launcher.
  2. Select whether the launcher should redirect to the game page or the news page of the game.
  3. Select the game itself.

Countries & languages

The Countries & languages section allows you to choose the languages in which the content will be available.

The list of languages depends on the following settings: Launcher settings > General settings > Languages.

For each selected language, a dedicated expanding panel appears in the Content settings section. The panel contains the same set of settings as for the English language.

The English language is the default one and cannot be removed.

Content settings

In this section you can configure the localized content itself by clicking the appropriate language and changing the following settings in the panel that expands:

  • Title — a text to display in the content tile.
  • Image — a JPG or PNG image to display in the content tile. Recommended size: 1120 px × 630 px.
  • Highlighted content image — a JPG or PNG image to display in the highlighted content tile. Recommended size: 1920 px × 1080 px.
  • If the content type is News, Article text — an article text to display when a user clicks the content tile. Use the toolbar of the embedded editor to format the text and insert multimedia.
  • If the content type is Video, YouTube link — a public YouTube video to play in the embedded video player when a user clicks the content tile.
  • If the content type is Image, Image — a JPG or PNG image to display in a popup window when a user clicks the content tile. Recommended size: 1920 px × 1080 px.
Use for other localizations — if selected, the value of the setting that is located right above will be used in all content languages.

Edit content

To edit your content:

  1. Click the ✎ icon to the right of the needed content item.
  2. Change the settings accordingly.
  3. For more information about the settings, see Create content.
  4. Click Save.

Reorder content

The order of content items in the table defines the order of content tiles in the launcher. However, resizing the launcher window may cause changes to this order, because the launcher arranges tiles in columns.

To reorder content items:

  1. Press and hold down the left mouse button over the = icon to the right of the needed item.
  2. Drag the item up or down to the desired position.

Publish content

By default, all new content items have the Draft value in the Status column of the table. The draft status means the content is not visible in the launcher.

To make the content visible in the launcher, click the toggle in the Status column of the needed content item, and choose Publish from the drop-down list. Once your content is published, you will see the date and time set in the Published column of the content item.

It is possible to change the status of a published content item back to Draft. If this content item is of the Group type, the statuses of all items linked to it will also change to Draft.

Delete content

This operation is not reversible.

If you delete a content item of the Group type, all linked items will be ungrouped and their statuses will change to Draft.

You can delete one content item at a time or multiple items.

To delete one content item:

  1. Click the trash bin icon to the right of the needed content item.
  2. Confirm the operation by selecting Yes, I understand.
  3. Click Delete.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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