SMS customization
How it works
The Login product includes SMS templates for messages you send to users:
- Sign-up and Login message — contains a one-time phone number confirmation code and one-time access link to your application. Sent every time a user logs in or registers in the application.
- Multi-factor authentication message — contains a one-time phone number confirmation code for multi-factor authentication. Sent when a user logs into the application for the first time on a new device.
The templates contain tags that are automatically replaced by the values generated by the Login product before sending messages.
The standard Xsolla templates are localized in 20 languages.
For any supported localization language, you can replace the standard template text with your own. If you do not provide custom text for a particular language, messages in that language will contain the standard text.
How to get it
To customize SMS templates:
- Open your project in Publisher Account and go to the Login section.
- Click Configure in the pane of a Login project.
- Go to the Customization block and select the SMS customization section.
- Click on the panel with the name of the language for which you want to customize SMS templates.
- In the panel that opens, replace the template text with your own. When composing the text, use tags which will be substituted by values the Login product generates before sending the SMS:
— tag for a one-time access code;{{game}}
— tag for your game name;{{link}}
— tag for a one-time access link.
- If necessary, customize the SMS templates for other languages.
- Click Save changes.
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