How to open external browser from game launcher
How it works
The WebView application allows you to open the payment UI inside a game launcher, but it has limitations, for example, it can’t access saved passwords or open several tabs. This means users can’t make a purchase using payment methods that require additional user verification with redirection to a new browser tab, e.g., 3-D Secure or PayPal authentication.
To bypass this limitation, you can configure the opening of the payment UI in a new tab of an external browser that a user sets as their default browser (onwards – the external browser) to allow users to make a purchase, save payment methods, and return to a game.
Make purchase
User flow
- A user opens a WebView application to make a purchase, and clicks Buy.
- The payment UI opens in a WebView application, and a user chooses a payment method.
- A user is automatically redirected to a new tab of an external browser to make a purchase.
The WebView application displays the description of steps to be completed in an opened tab of the external browser.
- A user enters their data and confirms the purchase in an external browser tab. If the purchase is successful, there is a notification about the successful purchase.
- A user returns to the WebView application where there is also a notification about the successful purchase and a button to return to the game.
- A user closes a WebView application in the launcher and returns to the game.
Setting up
To set up a redirection from a launcher to a default browser to make a purchase, pass thesettings.ui.is_independent_windows: true
parameter in the token.Example of the request for obtaining a token{
"user": {
"id": {
"value": "158804750"
"email": {
"value": ""
"country": {
"value": "US"
"settings": {
"mode": "sandbox",
"project_id": 53737,
"language": "en",
"currency": "USD",
"ui": {
"is_independent_windows": true,
"user_account": {
"payment_accounts": {
"order": 1,
"enable": false
"history": {
"order": 2,
"enable": true
"purchase": {
"description": {
"value": "Test purchase",
"items": [
"name": "Test purchase",
"quantity": 1,
"price": {
"amount": "19.99"
"image_url": "\/\/\/wn7ipiv9ue5v\/2E36gdKHDOIRmxX6H1y2h2\/6941cea2e876c0466e79a16eccab0351\/greatWhiteCard.jpg"
"checkout": {
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 19.99
Save payment account
User flow
- On your application’s side, a user goes to a page to manage their saved payment accounts.
- User clicks Add new method.
- In the window that opens, a user chooses a payment account.

- A user is automatically redirected to a new tab of an external browser to verify their account.
Your application displays the description of steps to be completed in an opened tab of the external browser.
- A user enters and confirms their data in an external browser tab. If successful, there is a notification that a user can return to the application.
The method will be automatically added to the user’s list of saved payment accounts in your application.
Setting up
To set up a redirection to an external browser to save a payment account, pass the following parameters in the token:settings.ui.mode: user
and settings.ui.is_independent_windows: true
"user": {
"id": {
"value": "test",
"hidden": true
"email": {
"value": ""
"country": {
"value": "US",
"allow_modify": true
"settings": {
"project_id": 136187,
"language": "en",
"currency": "USD",
"ui": {
"mode": "user_account",
"is_independent_windows": true
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