Test cards list

Use these cards to simulate both tokenization and the payment process in the sandbox mode of your application.

Characteristics of using cards if Xsolla Pay is set up for your project:
  • When you save a card in sandbox mode, it is added to your project, and you can make further payments without additional confirmation.
  • When you save a card in live mode, it is added to Xsolla Pay. The next time you make a payment, you will receive a one-time confirmation code via SMS. Subsequently, you can make payments with the card saved in Xsolla Pay without additional confirmation.
In addition to the card details, you need to specify the ZIP code if at least one of the conditions is true:
  • The user’s country is the US or Canada.
  • Bank identification number (BIN) indicates that a card was issued in the US.
You can specify any valid ZIP code (e.g., 12345). This determines the sales tax rate and does not affect the progress of the test payment.

List of cards to simulate successful payments

See the list of test cards sorted according to:

Cards by brand

Cards by country

List of cards to simulate declined payments

CardCountry3-D SecureDescription
Card number: 4111111111111145
Exp. date: 12/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Visa
USNoInsufficient funds
Card number: 5200000000000007
Exp. date: 11/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Mastercard
MalaysiaNoInsufficient funds
Card number: 4111111111111178
Exp. date: 12/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Visa
Card number: 5200000000000031
Exp. date: 11/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Mastercard
Card number: 5159084825528450
Exp. date: 12/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Mastercard
USNoDeclined during the AFS check
Card number: 4533720000000001
Exp. date: 12/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Visa
Card number: 5231850000000008
Exp. date: 12/40
CVV2: Any 3 digits
Card brand: Mastercard
FranceNoInsufficient funds
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Last updated: April 2, 2024

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