How to create multipage store

How it works

A multipage store is a solution that lets you sell games or in-game items on different pages of the single site.

Currently, part of the creation of a multipage store is done manually on the Xsolla side. Automating this process is in development.


  • A single shopping cart on all pages of the site allows the user to make complex purchases, which increases the average check and the user’s lifetime value (LTV).
  • The user can learn about all the games and items without leaving the site.
  • A single project with a store, authorization and payment systems is used for all pages of the site.
  • You can promote your site in search engines by summarizing the traffic on each page of the site.
  • Placing all pages of the site on a single domain increases the trust of the user and search engines for each page, thereby increasing conversion.


  • A multipage store does not allow selling virtual items and virtual currency packages for virtual currency or as subscriptions.
  • All pages of the site use one authorization system, which is adjusted in the settings of the main page.
  • All items must be created in one project in Publisher Account.
  • Setting up the link between the site pages is done manually on the Xsolla side.
  • The shopping cart icon and the item details button are not customizable.
  • Multilevel structure of site pages is not supported.

How to get it

  1. Sign up in Publisher Account.
  2. Connect Store and set up items you want to sell on the site:
    • game keys
    • virtual items
    • virtual currency
  3. Connect Login.
  4. Create one-page sites that are child pages of your multi-page store.
When creating one-page sites, don’t include authorization options on them and don’t publish them.
  1. Create a one-page site that is the main page of your multipage store.
  2. In the settings of the main page, specify the domain that will be used for all pages of the site (optional).
  3. Create child and main pages in other languages (optional).
  4. Copy and complete the table with the list of site pages.
  5. Transfer the completed table to your Customer Success Manager or send an email to You will receive a notification when the pages of the site are linked.
  6. Go to Builder of the main page of the site and add:
    • Store block. Fill in the block with the goods you want. The item details button will appear in the product cards that are located on the child pages.
    • The Login component in the Header block. The selected authorization option will be used on all pages of the site.
  7. Publish all the pages of your site. To do this, you need to publish each page one at a time. Go to Builder for each page and click Publish.
  8. Connect additional analytics tools for each page of your site in the Settings > Applications section (optional).
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Last updated: October 10, 2023

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