Set up opening of the payment UI

Depending on project authentication settings, you can use one of the following to open the payment UI:

Since the client-side method of getting a link to open a payment UI does not allow you to manage prices on your side and set the subscription price for a specific user, do not use it to sell a subscription with a subscription fee associated with the first payment.
If you want to allow the user to change the plan in your project, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set up the correct operation of the payment UI.

Via server-side Create token API call

  1. Implement getting a token to open the payment UI in one of the following ways:
  2. Implement how the payment UI is opened:

With the display of the payment method selection page

To make the payment UI display the payment method selection page when opened, pass the purchase.subscription.plan_id parameter with the ID of the selected plan to the Create token API call. Pass additional customization parameters if needed.
If plans with a subscription fee associated with the first payment are set in your project, you also need to pass the following parameters:
  • purchase.checkout.amount with the price of the subscription plan
  • purchase.checkout.currency with the currency value
Full screen
Small screen
curl -v{merchant_id}/token \
-u your_merchant_id:merchant_api_key \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '
      "value": "1234567",
      "hidden": true
    "email": {
      "value": ""
    "name": {
      "value": "UserName",
      "hidden": false
  "settings": {
    "project_id": 12345,
    "currency": "USD"
  "purchase": {
    "subscription": {
      "plan_id": "54321"

Example of payment method selection page:

With the display of payment data entry page

To make the payment UI display the payment data entry page when opened, pass the following parameters in the Create token API call:
  • purchase.subscription.plan_id with the ID of the selected plan.
  • settings.payment_method with the payment method ID. To find the list of identifiers, in your project in Publisher Account, go to the Pay Station > Payment methods section, or request it from your Customer Success Manager.
If plans with a subscription fee associated with the first payment are set in your project, you also need to pass the following parameters:
  • purchase.checkout.amount with the price of the subscription plan
  • purchase.checkout.currency with the currency value
Pass additional parameters for customization if needed.
Full screen
Small screen
curl -v{merchant_id}/token \
-u your_merchant_id:merchant_api_key \
-H 'Content-Type:application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '
      "value": "1234567",
      "hidden": true
    "email": {
      "value": ""
    "name": {
      "value": "UserName",
      "hidden": false
  "settings": {
    "project_id": 12345,
    "payment_method": 1380,
    "currency": "USD"
  "purchase": {
    "subscription": {
      "plan_id": "54321"

Example of payment data entry page:

Via client API method

  1. Implement getting a link to open the payment UI using the client API method.
  2. Implement opening the payment UI in one of the following ways:

Client method for getting a link to open a payment UI

On the client side of your application, use an HTTP POST request to implement opening the payment UI:​/api/user/v1/projects/{project_id}/subscriptions/buy.

The request must contain an Authorization: Bearer <client_user_jwt> header, where <client_user_jwt> is user’s JSON Web Token (JWT) — a unique, Base64-encoded token encoded according to the Base64 standard. To get the token:

Specify the project ID as the projectId path parameter. You can find this parameter in your Publisher Account next to the name of the project.

Specify country as the query parameter — the two-letter designation of the user’s country according to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Affects the choice of locale and currency. If this parameter is not passed, the country is determined by the user’s IP address.

Pass the following parameters in the request:

  • plan_external_id to open the payment interface on the payment method selection page.

An example of a payment UI:
An example of a payment UI:

Request body parameters:

stringRequired. The external ID of the subscription plan. You can find it in the Publisher Account > Subscriptions > Subscription Plans section.
objectCustom project settings (object).
objectInterface settings (object).
stringPayment UI theme. Can be default, default_dark or custom theme ID.
stringDevice type. Can be desktop (default) or mobile.
objectInterface settings for the desktop version (object).
objectHeader settings (object).
booleanWhether to show a Close button in Pay Station desktop. The button closes Pay Station and redirects the user to the URL specified in the settings.return_url parameter. false by default.
booleanWhether to show the header in the payment UI.
stringHeader appearance. Can be compact (in which case the game name and user ID is not shown in the header) or normal.
booleanIf true, the header shows your logo (first provide the image to your Customer Success Manager).
booleanWhether to show the project name in the header.
stringHow to show the header. Can be compact (hides project name and user ID) or normal (default).
booleanWhether to show a Close button in Pay Station mobile. The button closes Pay Station and redirects the user to the URL specified in the settings.return_url parameter. false by default.
stringInterface mode in Pay Station. Can be user_account only: The header contains only the account navigation menu, and the user cannot select a product or make a payment. This mode is only available on the desktop.
stringPreferred payment currency. Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code.
stringTransaction ID in the game. Has to be unique for each user payment.
integerPayment method ID. You can get the list of payment method IDs in Publisher Account.
stringPage to redirect the user to after payment. Parameters user_id, foreigninvoice, invoice_id and status will be automatically added to the link.
objectRedirect policy settings (object).
stringA payment status that redirects the user to a return URL after making a payment. Can be none, successful, successful_or_canceled, or any.
integerDelay (in seconds) after which a user is automatically redirected to the return URL.
stringA payment status that redirects the user to a return URL after making a payment. Can be none, successful, successful_or_canceled, or any.
stringText on the button for manual redirection.
Pass additional parameters for customization if needed.
Full screen
Small screen
curl -X 'POST' \
'{project_id}/subscriptions/buy?country=RU  ' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer client_user_jwt'

    "plan_external_id": "PlanExternalId",
    "settings": {
      "ui": {
        "size": "large",
        "theme": "string",
        "version": "desktop",
        "desktop": {
          "header": {
            "is_visible": true,
            "visible_logo": true,
            "visible_name": true,
            "type": "compact",
            "close_button": true
        "mobile": {
          "mode": "saved_accounts",
          "footer": {
            "is_visible": true
          "header": {
            "close_button": true
        "mode": "user_account"
      "currency": "string",
      "locale": "string",
      "external_id": "string",
      "payment_method": 1,
      "return_url": "string",
      "redirect_policy": {
        "redirect_conditions": "none",
        "delay": 0,
        "status_for_manual_redirection": "none",
        "redirect_button_caption": "string"
Full screen
Small screen
      "link_to_ps": "<access_token>"

    With Pay Station Embed

    Add a script to your website page to open the payment UI widget. A full description of the script is available in the GitHub repository.


    Full screen
    Small screen
       var options = {
           access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN', //TODO use access token, received on previous step
           sandbox: true //TODO please do not forget to remove this setting when going live
       var s = document.createElement('script');
       s.type = "text/javascript";
       s.async = true;
       s.src = "";
       s.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
       }, false);
       var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    <button data-xpaystation-widget-open>Buy Credits</button>

    Pay Station Embed allows getting events from the payment UI via postMessage. You can send these events to analytics systems. To set up events processing in your analytics system, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to

    Script initialization parameters:

    stringToken, received via server-side Create token API call or received in a link when the client API call is used. Required.
    booleanSet to true to test the payment process: will be used instead of
    objectLightbox parameters (object; desktop version only).
    stringLightbox frame width. If null, depends on Pay Station width. Default is null.
    stringLightbox frame height. If null, depends on Pay Station height. Default is 100%.
    integerDefines arrangement order. Default is 1000.
    integerOpacity of the widget’s background (0 — completely ​​transparent, 1 — completely opaque). The default value is 60% (.6).
    stringOverlay background color. Default is #000000.
    booleanIf true, the lightbox frame cannot be closed. Default is false.
    booleanIf true, clicking the overlay will close the lightbox. Default is true.
    booleanIf true, pressing ESC will close the lightbox. Default is true.
    stringFrame background color. Default is #ffffff. Note that these color changes do not affect the Pay Station iframe itself, only the settings of the lightbox that hold it.
    stringFrame margin. Default is 10px.
    stringType of animated loading indicator. Can be xsolla or round. Default is xsolla.
    stringSpinner color. No default value.
    objectOptions for the child window containing the Pay Station UI. Supported in the mobile version.
    stringWhere to open the Pay Station window. Can be _blank, _self, _parent. Default is _blank.
    If you want to initialize the opening of the payment UI, use this link:, where ACCESS_TOKEN is the token obtained with the Create token method. You can also get a ready-made link with a token when implementing the client method for opening the payment interface.
    It is necessary to use the link with the https:// prefix only for the payment UI opening.
    Use the following URL for testing purposes:
    Parameter access_token contains private user data. Make sure that you use server-to-server communication when getting this parameter.

    In an Iframe

    You need to implement the following mechanisms on your side:

    • Check the device type (desktop vs. mobile) and send it within the token’s settings.ui.version parameter.
    • Get events from the payment UI via postMessage. You can send these events to analytics systems. To set up events processing in your analytics system, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to

    To open the payment UI in an iframe, use the following link:, where ACCESS_TOKEN is the token obtained with the Create token method. You can also get a ready-made link with a token when implementing the client method for opening the payment interface.

    For testing purposes, use this URL:

    In a new window

    To open the payment UI in a new window, use the following link:, where ACCESS_TOKEN is the token obtained with the Create token method. You can also get a ready-made link with a token when implementing the client method for opening the payment interface.

    For testing purposes, use this URL:

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    Last updated: September 30, 2024

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