Kits SDK para Unity / Consumir artículos y monedas virtuales del inventario del jugador
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Kits SDK para Unity

Consumir artículos y monedas virtuales del inventario del jugador

A player’s inventory can contain the following types of items they bought or received according to the game logic:

  • Virtual items:
    • Consumable (grenades, bullets, etc.) of which the quantity decreases when consumed.
    • Nonconsumable (access to a location, status, cosmetics, pre-installed DLC, NO ADS option for mobile games, etc.).
    • Time-limited items (temporary access to an in-game cosmetic item, item, additional content, etc.).
  • Virtual currencies

You can implement the item consumption logic from the application client only for consumable virtual items and virtual currencies. To do this, use the ConsumeInventoryItem SDK method.

You can only remove non-consumable and time-limited items from the inventory via the Revoke inventory items server API method.

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