Configurer le module Objets virtuels

The SDK methods support the following types of items:
  • Consumable item — an item in the inventory that can be accrued or purchased repeatedly and decreases in its number once used. The item stock can be replenished. Example: grenades and bullets to attack the opponents, first aid kits, etc.
  • Nonconsumable — an item in the inventory that can be accrued or purchased only once and doesn’t disappear from the inventory. Example: access to a location, status, etc.
  • Nonrenewing subscription — a nonconsumable item that is available for a limited period of time and doesn’t disappear from the inventory when it expires. For example, premium access or season access. For more details, see In-Game Store documentation.
  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Connect in the Store pane. You can go to the In-Game Store settings from any section of Publisher Account by clicking the Store in the side menu.
  1. Click Connect in the Virtual Items pane.
  1. Click Create a group.
  1. Specify Group code and Group name.
  2. Set the Show group in Store toggle to On.
  3. Click Create group.
  1. Create items:
    1. Specify the following info for each of them:
      • one or more groups that the item should belong to
      • SKU
      • name and a short description
      • prices in real and virtual currencies
      • image (optional)
    1. In the Item property field of the Preferences section, select one of the following properties depending on the type of item:
      • consumable
      • nonconsumable
      • nonrenewing subscription
    2. Click Create an item.
  1. Make sure that the group status is Enabled.
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