SDK pour Unity (PC, Web) / Comment créer un build d'application exécutable dans un navigateur
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SDK pour Unity (PC, Web)

Comment créer un build d’application exécutable dans un navigateur

Create a WebGL build to run your application in a browser.

Select the Unity WebGL component when installing Unity Editor. To add a module to an already installed Unity Editor, run the installer for your version and select the missing components.

Build WebGL de démo
Regarder la démo dans un navigateur.

To create a WebGL build:

  1. Open your Unity project.
  2. Go to File > Build settings.
  3. In the Platform panel, select WebGL.
  4. Select build type (optional).
  5. Click Build and Run.

Not all Unity features are available in WebGL builds. See the Unity documentation for limitations.

For the payment interface to work correctly, open it in an iframe. To do this, call the Purchase method of the Assets > Xsolla > Plugins > paystation JS library following the Unity instructions.

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Dernière mise à jour: 15 Septembre 2023

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