SDK pour Unity destinés aux entreprises / Connexion classique par nom d'utilisateur/adresse e-mail et mot de passe
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SDK pour Unity destinés aux entreprises

Connexion classique par nom d’utilisateur/adresse e-mail et mot de passe

This authentication method allows your application’s users to log in with their username or email.

During sign-up, users have to specify an email address, even if you use usernames for authentication. Email addresses are used to confirm sign-ups and reset passwords.

To implement username/email and password authentication:

  1. In the application UI, add the following elements:
    • user sign-up form
    • a request form to resend a sign-up confirmation email
    • login form
    • password reset form
    • button to log out of the current user account

  1. Implement authentication logic using the following SDK methods:
    • Register — creates a new user account in the application and sends a sign-up confirmation email to the specified email address. To complete registration, the user must follow the link from the email.
    • ResendConfirmationLink — resends a sign-up confirmation email to the specified email address. To complete registration, the user must follow the link from the email.
    • SignIn — logs the user in the application using the specified username/email and password.
    • ResetPassword — resets the user’s current password and sends an email to change the password to the email address specified during sign-up.
    • OAuthLogout — ends the active user session.

You can configure the URL to which the user will be redirected after successful authorization, email confirmation, or password reset in the Login project settings of Publisher Account (Security > OAuth 2.0 > OAuth 2.0 redirect URIs).

You can customize emails for users in Publisher Account if you use custom storage or Xsolla storage for user data.

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