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Integrate the Game Commerce asset into your application to get the most out of Xsolla products. After integration of the asset, you can use:

  • Login to authenticate users and manage the friend system and user account
  • In-Game Store to create a store in your application and manage player’s inventory
  • Pay Station to provide users with a convenient interface for paying for in-app

To manage the features of Xsolla products, the asset contains a set of classes, methods, prefabs, etc. that let you make requests to the Xsolla REST API.


Requisitos de sistema

  • 64-bit OS
  • Windows 7 SP1 and higher
  • macOS 10.12 and higher
  • Minimum supported version of Unity — 2019.4.19f1

Sistema Operacional de Destino

  • Android
  • macOS
  • Windows 64-bit
Additionally, the SDK supports creating WebGL build to run your application in a browser.
We recommend you use the Mono compiler for desktop platforms as it’s compatible with the provided in-game browser. If you use other browser solutions, you can use the IL2CPP compiler instead. To create game builds for Android, you can use either Mono or IL2CPP compilers.

Política de Privacidade

If you use the SDK, add the Xsolla Privacy Policy Agreement link to your application. You can see the example of this link in the demo project on the sign up page.

Note that the Xsolla Privacy Policy Agreement doesn’t mean user data will be used. If you plan to collect and process this kind of data, make sure that your actions comply with the law. You should ask users for their permission to collect and process their data or inform them about the Privacy Policy Agreement.

Política de cobrança

Xsolla offers the necessary tools to help you build and grow your gaming business, including personalized support at every stage. The terms of payment are determined by the contract that can be signed via Publisher Account.

The cost of using all Xsolla products is 5% of the amount you receive for the sale of the game and in-game goods via Xsolla Pay Station. If you do not use Xsolla Pay Station in your application, but use other products, contact your Account Manager to clarify the terms and conditions.

Opções de integração

The following integration options are available:

Integre a solução completa

Choose this option if you want a ready-made server solution for monetization and in-game items management. After integration of the SDK, you can use Xsolla Login, In-Game Store, Xsolla Pay Station.

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Reproduzir demonstração

Integre apenas a interface de pagamento

Choose this option if you have already implemented the game logic for authentication, in-game store, and player’s inventory on your servers and want to use Xsolla Pay Station.

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