Configurar o módulo Moedas Virtuais

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Connect in the Store pane. You can go to the In-Game Store settings from any section of Publisher Account by clicking the Store in the side menu.
  1. Click Connect in the Virtual Currency pane.
  1. Create virtual currency:
    1. Click Create virtual currency.
    1. Specify the following information:
      • SKU
      • currency name
      • price of one unit of virtual currency
      • default currency
      • features of hard virtual currency (optional)
      • image (optional)
    2. Click Create currency.
  1. Create packages of virtual currency:
    1. Go to Packages.
    2. Click Create package.
    1. Specify the following information:
      • SKU
      • package name
      • short description
      • virtual currency
      • quantity of currency units in a package
      • price
      • default currency
      • image (optional)
    1. Set the Show in Store toggle to On.
    2. Click Create package.
The plug-in supports purchasing of virtual items for virtual currency. Also, the users are able to use virtual currency according to in-game logics (getting access to a location, getting progression levels, etc.). Users spend virtual currency when calling a ConsumeInventoryItem SDK method.
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Última atualização: 10 de Outubro de 2023

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