Enterprise-level SDKs for Android / Integrate SDK on application side
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Enterprise-level SDKs for Android

Integrate SDK on application side

General purchase logic

  1. Implement the logic of getting payment tokens in one of the following ways:
    • Using the Store library (recommended):
      1. To purchase a single item, call the createOrderByItemSku method.
      2. To purchase the items in the cart:
        1. After the user has filled the cart, call the fillCurrentCartWithItems method.
        2. Call the createOrderFromCartById or createOrderFromCurrentCart method.

    • Using the IGS & BB API.
    • Using your own server methods or BaaS solution methods.

  1. Implement the logic of payment UI opening:
Review the demo project for an implementation example.
Full screen
Small screen
vmPurchase.paymentToken.observe(this) { token ->
    val intent = XPayments.createIntentBuilder(this)
    startActivityForResult(intent, RC_PAYSTATION)
  1. Implement payment result handling:
Full screen
Small screen
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    if (requestCode == RC_PAYSTATION) {
        val (status, _) = XPayments.Result.fromResultIntent(data)
        when (status) {
            XPayments.Status.COMPLETED -> showSnack(getString(R.string.payment_completed))
            XPayments.Status.CANCELLED -> showSnack(getString(R.string.payment_cancelled))
            XPayments.Status.UNKNOWN -> showSnack(getString(R.string.payment_unknown))
Review the demo project for an implementation example.

Payment UI opening options

Depending on what parameters are passed to the XPayments.createIntentBuilder method, the payment UI is opened in WebView or Custom Tab.

If the useWebview(true) parameter is passed, WebView is always used to open the payment UI.

Custom Tab is used if the following conditions are met:

  • When calling XPayments.createIntentBuilder, the useWebview parameter is not passed or useWebview(false) is passed.
  • The user’s device uses one of the following browsers by default:
    • Google Chrome
    • Samsung Internet Browser
    • Huawei Browser

If the different browser is used, the payment UI opens in WebView regardless of the parameters of the XPayments.createIntentBuilder method.

In WebView, the user doesn’t see the browser bar and standard navigation elements. This makes the in-app purchase process seemless. But you need to modify the application and add the icon so the user can close the payment UI at any stage of the purchase. Refer to the demo application for modification example.

In Custom Tab, the user can close the payment UI by clicking on the icon.

Example of using WebView:

Example of using Custom Tab:

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Last updated: March 21, 2024

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