Enterprise-level SDKs for Android / Initialize library
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Enterprise-level SDKs for Android

Initialize library

To initialize the library, add the following lines to your Android project source code according to the application logic (e.g., at application startup):

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Small screen
XSubscriptions.init(projectId, sandbox = true)

In the projectId parameter of the XSubscriptions.init method, pass the project ID, which can be found in the Publisher Account next to the name of your project.


The sandbox parameter of the XSubscriptions.init method is responsible for choosing sandbox or live mode for payment processing.

For testing, pass sandbox = true. After launching the project for the release version of your application, change the value to sandbox = false.

In the token parameter of the XSubscriptions.authenticate method, pass the user’s JWT received during authorization in the application.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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