User attributes
You can use attributes to manage additional information about the users of your application or to set up personalized offers.
Each user attribute is a key-value pair. There are 2 types of attributes:
- User-editable. The values for this type of attributes are entered by a user or specified according to the in-game logic on the client side. For example, the name and character stats, game difficulty level, etc.
- Read-only. The values for this type of attributes are entered and edited on the server side of your application. We recommend that you use them for configuration of game character stats or user parameters that shouldn’t change regularly. For example, chance to get a bonus, game character key parameters, user categories, etc.
To set up personalized offers, use read-only attributes.
To implement the logic for working with client attributes, use the following SDK methods:
— returns a list of user attributes with their values and descriptions.ModifyUserAttributes
— updates the values of user attributes with the specified IDs. The method can be used to create attributes. Changes are made on the user data storage side.RemoveUserAttributes
— removes user attributes with the specified IDs. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
To implement the logic for working with read-only attributes, use the server API methods.
To get a list of server attributes with their values and descriptions for a specific user on the application client, you can use the
SDK method.Was this article helpful?
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