
Before you start integrating the Cloud Gaming solution:

  1. Create a project in Publisher Account. One project corresponds to one game.
  2. Set up Xsolla Login.
  3. Sign the licensing agreement with Xsolla.

Create project

  1. Sign up to Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Create project.
The password from Publisher Account can consist of Latin letters, numerals, and special characters and must contain at least:
  • 8 characters
  • one digit
  • one capital letter
  • one lowercase letter
To ensure password security, we recommend:
  • changing your password at least once every 90 days
  • using a new password that does not match the last 4 passwords on your account
  • using a unique password that does not match passwords used anywhere else
  • not storing your password where it is easily accessible
  • using password managers to store your password
Publisher account uses two-factor authentication and sends a confirmation code with each authentication attempt.
  1. Enter your project name in English (required).
After you’ve created the project, you can add additional languages and localized project names in the Project settings section.

  1. Select one or several release platforms of your game (required).
  2. Add a link to your game. If your game doesn’t have a website yet, add a link to the source that includes information about the game (required).
  3. Select the game engine.
  4. Select the monetization options you use or plan to use.
  5. Specify if the game is already released. If the game hasn’t been released yet, specify the planned release date.
  6. Click Create project.

You will see a page with the Xsolla products recommended for you.

Set up Login project in Publisher Account

Xsolla Login provides users with various ways to log into your application. To set up the Login project:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Login.
  3. Click + New Login project and select the standard option.
  4. In the Login methods block, select the method that suits your game best and click Configure. The Login product offers three options for your games:
    • Classic login
      Users log into the game by providing their username and password. In addition, users can log in using one of their social networks.
    • Passwordless login
      Users log into the game using one-time codes or links sent to their email address or phone number. Login via social networks is also supported.
    • Social login
      Users enter the game only through social networks.

Passwordless login is the recommended option. It is suitable for most games, ensures data security, and is easy to implement. You can change the login method later by clicking the Change Login method link. Previously saved settings will not be lost.
  1. In the Login method block, add a callback URL where the user is redirected to after successful authentication.
  2. In the Security block, click OAuth 2.0.
  3. Add a new OAuth 2.0 client:
    1. Click Add OAuth 2.0 client.
    2. Select the authentication option that suits your application logic.
    3. For the Public and Confidential options, enter in the OAuth 2.0 redirect URIs field.
    4. Click Connect.
  4. Enable user authentication with Xsolla account:
    1. Go to the Authentication section and select the Social login section.
    2. Select Xsolla from the list of social networks.
    3. Click the icon and select Settings.
    4. Fill in the following fields:
      • Application ID — the Xsolla account OAuth 2.0 client identifier you received from Xsolla.
      • Application secret key — the Xsolla account OAuth 2.0 key you received from Xsolla.
      • Your website link — the website from which Xsolla servers receive a request to exchange an authorization code for an authorization token.
    5. Click Connect.
In order to correctly integrate the Cloud Gaming solution, make sure that all other social networks are disabled in your Login project.
For detailed information, refer to the Login documentation:

Sign licensing agreement

Signing the licensing agreement will allow you to monetize your project via any payment methods offered by Xsolla. To sign the licensing agreement:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, go to the Agreements & taxes > Agreements section.
  3. On the Licensing Agreement tab, click Complete application form.
  4. Provide your information in the corresponding fields.

Your application will be reviewed within 3 business days. In addition to checking all legal aspects, we check the game for adult content, copyright issues, and other prohibited or restricted content. If there are any questions during the verification process, we will notify the contact person indicated in the application. After the checking procedure is completed on Xsolla’s side, the status of your agreement will change to Signed.

Pass tax interview

To comply with US tax reporting and withholding regulations, Xsolla requires all of its partners to provide valid taxpayer identification information and produce the necessary tax form (W-8 for non-US persons and entities, W-9 for US persons and entities) through the tax interview. This step is available only after you sign the licensing agreement with Xsolla.

To pass the tax interview:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, go to the Agreements & taxes > Tax interview section. If you have any questions, refer to the FAQs answers that you can find in this section.
  3. Fill in the tax form with the accurate information about you or your company.

If there are any questions during the verification process, you will receive an email to the specified email address. After the checking procedure is completed, in the Agreements & taxes > Tax interview section, you can see that your tax interview has been reviewed and validated.

Refer to the Xsolla website for detailed information about international tax management.

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Last updated: July 23, 2024

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