Make test purchase

Testing does not require withdrawing money from real bank accounts — you can use one of our test cards.

To use sandbox environment, pass the “sandbox”: true parameter in the request body of the Create order with specified item call when getting a token.

To open the payment UI, use the following URL:, where TOKEN is the received token.

To switch to production environment:

  1. Sign the licensing agreement.
  2. Remove “sandbox”: true parameter from the request body when obtaining a token.
  3. Open the payment UI using the following link:

After the first real payment is made, a strict sandbox payment policy takes effect. Payments made in sandbox mode are available only to users who are specified in Publisher Account in the Company settings > Users section.

Open payment UI in sandbox mode

Make test payment

To test the payment process, you can use the sandbox mode. Sandbox mode is a stand-alone environment that supports all features of a live environment, except real and declined payments. You can access sandbox mode by sending “sandbox”: true when you create an order.

Before you sign a contract with Xsolla, testing the payment process is only available in sandbox mode.
  1. Open the payment UI in sandbox mode.
  2. Choose the Bank card payment method.
  3. Enter the bank card details. In other fields (e.g., name or address), you can enter any data. You can also specify incorrect details (card number or expiration date) to test if an error is generated.
  4. Click Pay.
Test cards list
See the list of test bank cards.

In addition to card details, you need to specify the ZIP code if at least one of the following conditions is true:

  • The user’s country is the US or Canada.
  • The Bank Identification Number (BIN) indicates that a card was issued in the US.

You can specify any valid ZIP code (e.g., 12345). This determines the sales tax rate and does not affect the progress of the test payment.
Sandbox bank card payments can be made in the following currencies: USD, EUR, RUB, GBP, AED, ALL, AMD, ARS, AUD, AZN, BGN, BRL, BYN, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CZK, DKK, DZD, EGP, GEL, HKD, HRK, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, ISK, JPY, KES, KGS, KRW, KZT, MAD, MDL, MKD, MNT, MXN, MYR, NGN, PEN, PHP, PKR, PLN, RON, RSD, SAR, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, TWD, UAH, UYU, UZS, VEF, VND, ZAR.

In sandbox mode, you can test a one-time payment and payment with saved payment methods using bank cards and PayPal.
To see transactions made in sandbox mode:
  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. Go to Accounting > Transaction registry.
  3. Check the Show test transactions box.
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Last updated: January 31, 2024

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