
Before you sign the licensing agreement, you can open the payment UI only in sandbox mode.

Sign licensing agreement

Signing the licensing agreement will allow you to receive real payments via any payment methods supported by Xsolla. To sign the licensing agreement:

  1. Open your Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, go to Agreements and taxes > Agreements section.
  3. On the Licensing Agreement tab, click Fill out application form.
  4. Provide your information in the corresponding fields.

Your application will be reviewed within 3 business days. If there are any questions during the verification process, Xsolla will notify the contact person indicated in the application. After the checking procedure is completed on Xsolla’s side, the status of your agreement will change to Signed.

Switch to production environment

After the first real payment is made, a strict sandbox payment policy takes effect. Payments made in sandbox mode are available only to users who are specified in Publisher Account in the Company settings > Users section.
After completing the previous steps, you can start receiving real payments:
  1. Make sure you signed the licensing agreement with Xsolla.
  2. Remove “sandbox”: true parameter from the request body when obtaining a token.
  3. Open the payment UI using the following link:
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Last updated: February 1, 2024

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