Analytics for the website
Track the following user actions with your website statistics:
- Retention rate — the percentage of users who return to your website in a certain time frame after their first visit
- Number of subscribers for a newsletter
- Visits by country
- Traffic source
- Visits by referrals — the websites from which users come to your website
- Destination websites
To view statistics, go to Site Builder in Publisher Account, click Configure on the website you want to track, and open the Site analytics tab.
You can also use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, or Twitter Pixel and track such user actions as:
- payment UI opening
- successful purchase
- signing up for the newsletter
Read the Integration with analytics platforms recipe to learn more.
Xsolla Login analytics
Xsolla Login collects the following user authentication analytics:
- Authenticated user activity by date
- Number of authentications
- Authentication methods
By default, the analytics is available in Publisher Account > Project > Login > Statistics.
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