Discount promotions

Discount promotions are a marketing tool for getting new players and increasing sales.

We recommend using a Featured item card layout to draw users’ attention to promotional products.


  • You can set the discount only in percentage value in the range from 1 to 99.
  • You can’t apply regional restrictions to discount promotions.

You can set up promotions for any number of items. Apply an unlimited number of discount promotions to one item.

A timer appears on an item’s card 30 days before the end of the promotion to show the remaining time:

  • If the end of the promotion is in more than a week, the timer shows days and hours.
  • If the end of the promotion is in more than one day, the timer shows hours and minutes.
  • If the end of the promotion is in less than a day, the timer shows minutes and seconds.

To change the timer’s color, go to Global theme > Colors > Secondary in the side menu of Site Builder.

How to get it

You can set up discount campaigns in one of the following ways:

Set up via Publisher Account

If you set up discount promotions via Publisher Account, you can:

  • Set up a discount with a percentage value.
  • Set up discount promotions that are available for a limited time.
  • Set up discounts that apply to any types of items:
    • virtual currency packages
    • virtual items (including time-limited items)
    • bundles

The following actions aren’t currently available in Publisher Account:

  • Set up discounts with fractional values.
  • Set up discounts with an unlimited time period.
  • Edit discount promotions with an Active status.

You can use API methods to enhance your discount promotions configuration options.

New promotions are inactive by default. To activate your discount, go to discount editing after its creation.
To set up a promotion via Publisher Account:
  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. In the side bar click Store.
  3. Click Promotions and rewards > Create promotion.
  1. Specify the required parameters:
    1. Enter the promotion title.
    2. Choose Discount as a promotion type.
    3. Decide the discount amount.
    4. Choose the product type.
    1. Choose one or several items that will have a discount.
To choose different item types for one promotion, first choose one type of item and check if they are displayed in the List of affected items field. After that, go back to the Product type field and choose another type.

  1. Click Next.
  2. You can limit number of times one user can use promotion. To set it up, on the Condition and limit page, set Limit number of times one user can use promotion to On and specify the limit.
  3. To set up personalized promotions, set Promotion for only specific users to On and follow this instruction.
  4. Click Next.

  1. Set the campaign start and end dates.
  2. Click Next.
  1. Check the settings and click Save and exit.
While a promotion is active, you cannot change it.
  1. To activate a promotion:
    1. Find the promotion in your promotions catalog.
    2. Click the ••• menu button and select Edit promotion.
    1. In the upper right corner, open the drop-down menu and choose Activate promotion.

Set up via API methods

To work with discount promotions, you can use the methods from the Discount subsection from the Promotions method group.

To create the promotion via API methods:

  1. Call the Create discount promotion for item method with required parameters.
  2. Call the Update item promotion method with the “is_enabled”:true parameter to activate the promotion.

To edit the promotion via an API, call the Update item promotion method with new promotion parameters. You can also edit the promotion that has the Active status.

When creating or editing a discount promotion via API methods, you can also:

Full screen
Small screen

"items": null
Full screen
Small screen

"items": [{
     “sku”: “strw2030”
  }, {
     “sku”: “strw4060”
  }, {
     “sku”: “cupred200”
Full screen
Small screen

"discount": {
    “percent”: ”49.9”
Full screen
Small screen
"items": [{
     “sku”: “storm_shield”
  }, {
     “sku”: “heaven_crystals_pack_x500”
     “sku”: “strw2030”
Full screen
Small screen
"items": [{
     “sku”: “brilliant_game_sku_steam”
Full screen
Small screen

“date_end”: null
Full screen
Small screen
"attribute_conditions": [
"attribute": "has_purchase",
"operator": "eq",
"value": "0",
"type": "number"
"limits": {
"per_user": 1
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Last updated: June 11, 2024

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