Loyalty program

The Loyalty program allows users to accumulate bonuses from purchases made in the Web Shop. Bonuses are in the form of virtual currency that they can spend on virtual items on the site.

You can set up virtual currency in the following ways:

  • via bonus promotions
  • via bundles

User flow

  1. User goes to the Web Shop where they set up a loyalty program.
  2. User clicks Login and logs in.
  3. User buys promotional items for real currency.
  1. Virtual currency is awarded to the user. Its quantity is shown in the site’s header.
  1. User buys items for virtual currency in the site’s special section.

How to get it

At the end of the setup, contact your Customer Success Manager or email to csm@xsolla.com to connect the loyalty program to Web Shop.
If your project doesn’t have a Customer Success Manager, you can contact our integration team. Click the chat icon at the bottom right corner and contact the integration team via messenger.

Preliminary actions

  1. Sign up to Publisher Account.
  2. Create a project in Publisher Account and open Site Builder.
  3. Create site via template Web Shop.

Integration flow

You can use your game’s existing virtual currency or a currency that only applies to purchases made on the site.
  1. To create a new virtual currency that will be used only in Web Shop:
    1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
    2. In the side bar click Store.
    3. In the Virtual currency panel click:
      • Connect – if you don’t have virtual currency
      • Configure – if you previously connected virtual currency

    1. Click New virtual currency.
    2. Specify the parameters of the new virtual currency and click Create currency.

  1. Create a group of items that will be sold for virtual currency. To do this:
    1. In Publisher Account, go to the side menu and click Store.
    2. In Virtual items panel click:
      • Connect – if you don’t have virtual items
      • Configure – if you connected virtual items previously

    1. Click the + icon and choose Create group from the menu.
    2. Specify the new group’s parameters and click Create group.
    3. Go to the group of items you created and click Create item.
    4. Specify the item’s parameters and price in virtual currency.
    5. Click Create item.

  1. Add a section of items, sold for virtual currency, to the site. To do this:
    1. Go to Site Builder.
    2. Add block Store or new section to existing block Store.
    3. Select Purchase typeVirtual items and specify items group that will be sold for virtual currency.

Set up accrual of virtual currency for purchasing items in the following ways:

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Last updated: June 11, 2024

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