How to import catalog

You can import items and subscriptions from external platforms and synchronize user inventory.

After import, you can synchronize changes made to the item catalog and subscriptions in the import source and Xsolla in the following ways:If the catalog cannot be imported, configure the item and subscriptions catalog in Publisher Account or using API methods.

Import catalog from Google Play


Before you start importing, check that Google Play Android Developer API is enabled in your Google Play project. Visit{project_id}, where project_id — your project ID in Google Play. If this API disabled, enable it. The settings will take time to apply, so the import may fail if you try immediately after enabling the settings. Wait a few minutes and retry.

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. Click Store in the side menu.
  3. In the Catalog Management pane, click Configure.
  4. In the Integration with external platforms pane, click Configure.
  5. In the Google Play pane, click Configure.
  6. Specify Application ID — your app’s ID from Google Play.
You can find Application ID on the Google Play Console. In the side menu, click All apps. Find the needed app in the table. Its ID will be specified in the App column, next to the name and logo.
  1. Upload JSON with a private key.
A private key is generated when you create your service account.

  1. Go to the Google Play Console, in the side menu click Users and permissions and add service account as a new user with the role of Android Management User. This requires you to have the Project IAM admin role.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Start import. Catalog import will begin immediately.
SKU corresponds to Product ID in the source of import.
  1. To sell virtual items in the web store created by Site Builder, configure item groups in Publisher Account and assign one or more of them to each item.
  2. To display item images, upload them to your Publisher Account.
For Bangladesh users, catalog prices will be displayed in the default currency (USD), rather than in BDT.

Import catalog from App Store

Only products with the Approved status in App Store Connect will be imported. In the Store section of your Publisher Account, imported items will be displayed with the Partially Available status. To make the items visible, you need to change the status to Available.
Before importing a catalog from the App Store, you need to obtain the following data:

Get Application ID

To get your Application ID in App Store Connect:
  1. Log in to App Store Connect.
  2. Go to the Apps section.

  3. Open your application’s page.
  4. Navigate to General Information > App Information.
  5. In the General Information copy Application ID in Apple ID field.

Get API Key and Issuer ID

Issuer ID in App Store Connect is used for interaction with Apple API, including the App Store Connect API. It is required for setting up API keys to automate tasks such as app management, analytics data retrieval, and other operations in App Store Connect.

API Key is a unique identifier used to authenticate API requests in App Store Connect API and ensure secure access to Apple Developer Account data and functionality.

To get the Issuer ID and API Key in App Store Connect:

  1. Log in to App Store Connect and go to the Users and Access section.
  2. Open the Integrations tab.
  3. In the side menu Keys click App Store Connect API.
  4. Go to the Team Keys tab. Click the + icon to create a new API key.

  5. In the Generate API Key window, assign a name to the key and set the access level for this key.
  6. Click Generate.

  7. The newly created key will appear in the list of active API keys. Download it as a P8 file and copy the Key ID.

  8. In the Team Keys tab, copy the Issuer ID.

Import a catalog from the App Store

  1. Open your Publisher Account and go to Store > Catalog management > Integration with external platforms > App Store.
  2. Provide the data got in App Store Connect:
    • Application ID
    • Private key file (P8)
    • Issuer ID
    • Key ID.
  3. Click Start import. The catalog import will begin automatically.

To sell virtual items in the web store created using Site Builder, create item groups in your Publisher Account and assign one or more groups to each virtual item.

To display item images, you need to upload them by editing the imported item in Store > Virtual Items.

The SKU of a product corresponds to the Product ID in the import source.

Import catalog from PlayFab

Supported PlayFab API version: Economy v1.
The guide for importing a catalog from PlayFab is provided in the documentation.

Reimport catalog

When reimporting the catalog, you need to consider that:

  • Items that are already in the Store will be updated.
  • Items that are not available in the Store will be added.
  • Items that have already been removed from the source of import will remain in the Store. You can delete them in your Publisher Account or via API.

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Last updated: November 8, 2024

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