
object Companion


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fun authenticateViaDeviceId(callback: AuthViaDeviceIdCallback, deviceId: String? = null)

Authenticates the user via a particular device ID.

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fun canRefreshToken(): Boolean
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fun checkUserAge(birthday: String, callback: CheckUserAgeCallback)

Checks user’s age for a particular region. The age requirements depend on the region. Service determines the user’s location by the IP address.

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fun completeAuthByEmail(    email: String,     code: String,     operationId: String,     callback: CompletePasswordlessAuthCallback)

Completes authentication after the user enters a one-time code or follows a link received in an email.

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fun completeAuthByMobilePhone(    phoneNumber: String,     code: String,     operationId: String,     callback: CompletePasswordlessAuthCallback)

Completes authentication after the user enters a one-time code or follows a link received by SMS.

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Creates the code for linking the platform account to the existing main account when the user logs in to the game via a gaming console.

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fun deleteCurrentUserAvatar(callback: DeleteCurrentUserAvatarCallback)

Deletes the user’s avatar. Changes are made on the user data storage side (server side).

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fun deleteCurrentUserPhone(phone: String, callback: DeleteCurrentUserPhoneCallback)

Deletes the user’s phone number that is used for two-factor authentication. Changes are made on the user data storage side (server side).

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fun finishAuthWithXsollaWidget(    activity: Activity?,     activityResultRequestCode: Int,     activityResultCode: Int,     activityResultData: Intent?,     callback: FinishXsollaWidgetAuthCallback?)

Finishes authentication via xsolla widget

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fun finishSocialAuth(    activity: Activity?,     socialNetwork: SocialNetwork?,     activityResultRequestCode: Int,     activityResultCode: Int,     activityResultData: Intent?,     callback: FinishSocialCallback?)

Finishes authentication via a social network

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fun finishSocialLinking(    activityResultRequestCode: Int,     activityResultCode: Int,     activityResultData: Intent?,     callback: FinishSocialLinkingCallback?)

Finishes linking the social network to current user account.

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fun getCurrentUserDetails(callback: GetCurrentUserDetailsCallback)

Returns user details.

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fun getCurrentUserEmail(callback: GetCurrentUserEmailCallback)

Returns the email of the authenticated user.

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fun getCurrentUserFriends(    afterUrl: String?,     type: UserFriendsRequestType,     sortBy: UserFriendsRequestSortBy,     sortOrder: UserFriendsRequestSortOrder,     callback: GetCurrentUserFriendsCallback,     @IntRange(from = 1, to = 50) limit: Int = 20)

Returns user friends data.

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fun getCurrentUserPhone(callback: GetCurrentUserPhoneCallback)

Returns user phone number that is used for two-factor authentication.

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fun getLinkedSocialNetworks(callback: LinkedSocialNetworksCallback)

Returns the list of linked social networks.

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fun getLinksForSocialAuth(locale: String, callback: GetLinksForSocialAuthCallback)

Returns list of links for social authentication enabled in Publisher Account. The links are valid for 10 minutes. You can get the link by this method and add it to your button for authentication via the social network.

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fun getOtcCode(    login: String,     operationId: String,     callback: GetOtcCodeCallback)

Waits until the user follows the link provided via email/SMS and returns the code.

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fun getSafeDeviceId(deviceId: String): String
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fun getSocialFriends(    platform: FriendsPlatform?,     fromGameOnly: Boolean,     callback: GetSocialFriendsCallback,     offset: Int = 0,     @IntRange(from = 1, to = 500) limit: Int = 500)

Returns user friends data from a social provider.

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fun getUserPublicInfo(userId: String, callback: GetUserPublicInfoCallback)

Returns specified user public profile information.

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fun getUsersAttributesFromClient(    keys: List<String>?,     publisherProjectId: Int?,     userId: String?,     getReadOnlyAttributes: Boolean,     callback: GetUsersAttributesCallback)

Returns a list of particular user’s attributes with their values and descriptions. Returns only user-editable attributes.

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fun getUsersDevices(callback: GetUsersDevicesCallback)

Returns a list of devices linked to the current user account.

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fun getXsollaWidgetUrl(locale: String?): String
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fun init(context: Context, loginConfig: LoginConfig)

Initialize SDK

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fun isTokenExpired(): Boolean
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fun linkDeviceToAccount(callback: LinkDeviceToAccountCallback)

Links the specified device to the current user account.

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fun linkEmailPassword(    email: String,     password: String,     username: String,     promoEmailAgreement: Boolean,     callback: LinkEmailPasswordCallback)

Adds a username, email address, and password, that can be used for authentication, to the current account.

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fun login(    username: String,     password: String,     callback: AuthCallback)

Authenticates the user by the username/email and password specified via the authentication interface.

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fun logout()

Clear authentication data

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fun oauthLogout(sessions: String, callback: OauthLogoutCallback)

Logs the user out and deletes the user session according to the value of the sessions parameter.

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fun refreshToken(callback: RefreshTokenCallback)

Refreshes OAuth 2.0 access token

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fun register(    username: String,     email: String,     password: String,     callback: RegisterCallback,     acceptConsent: Boolean? = null,     promoEmailAgreement: Int? = null,     locale: String? = null)

Creates a new user account in the application and sends a sign-up confirmation email to the specified email address. To complete registration, the user must follow the link from the email.

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fun resendAccountConfirmationEmail(    username: String,     callback: ResendAccountConfirmationEmailCallback,     locale: String? = null)

Resends an account confirmation email to a user. To complete account confirmation, the user should follow the link in the email.

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fun resetPassword(    username: String,     callback: ResetPasswordCallback,     locale: String? = null)

Resets the user’s current password and sends an email to change the password to the email address specified during sign-up.

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fun searchUsersByNickname(    nickname: String?,     callback: SearchUsersByNicknameCallback,     offset: Int = 0,     @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) limit: Int = 100)

Searches users by nickname and gets a list of them. Search is performed by substring if it is in the beginning of the string. The current user can call this method only one time per second.

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fun setTokenData(    token: String,     refreshToken: String,     expiresIn: Long)

set authentication data

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fun startAuthByEmail(    email: String,     callback: StartPasswordlessAuthCallback,     sendLink: Boolean = false,     linkUrl: String? = null)

Starts user authentication and sends an email with a one-time code and a link to the specified email address (if login via magic link is configured for the Login project).

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fun startAuthByMobilePhone(    phoneNumber: String,     callback: StartPasswordlessAuthCallback,     sendLink: Boolean = false,     linkUrl: String? = null)

Starts user authentication and sends an SMS with a one-time code and a link to the specified phone number (if login via magic link is configured for the Login project).

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fun startAuthWithXsollaWidget(    activity: Activity?,     callback: StartXsollaWidgetAuthCallback?,     locale: String? = null)
fun startAuthWithXsollaWidget(    fragment: Fragment?,     callback: StartXsollaWidgetAuthCallback?,     locale: String? = null)

Starts authentication via xsolla widget

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fun startSocialAuth(    activity: Activity?,     socialNetwork: SocialNetwork?,     callback: StartSocialCallback?)
fun startSocialAuth(    fragment: Fragment?,     socialNetwork: SocialNetwork?,     callback: StartSocialCallback?)

Starts authentication via a social network

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fun startSocialLinking(    socialNetwork: SocialNetwork,     activity: Activity? = null,     callback: StartSocialLinkingCallback?)
fun startSocialLinking(    socialNetwork: SocialNetwork,     fragment: Fragment? = null,     callback: StartSocialLinkingCallback?)

Links a social network that can be used for authentication to the current account.

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fun unlinkDeviceFromAccount(id: Int, callback: UnlinkDeviceFromAccountCallback)

Unlinks the specified device from the current user account.

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fun unlinkSocialNetwork(socialNetwork: SocialNetwork, callback: UnlinkSocialNetworkCallback)

Unlinks social network from current user account.

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fun updateCurrentUserDetails(    firstName: String?,     gender: String?,     lastName: String?,     nickname: String?,     callback: UpdateCurrentUserDetailsCallback)

Updates the specified user’s information. Changes are made on the user data storage side.

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fun updateCurrentUserFriend(    friendXsollaUserId: String,     action: UpdateUserFriendsRequestAction,     callback: UpdateCurrentUserFriendsCallback)

Modifies relationships with the specified user.

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fun updateCurrentUserPhone(phone: String?, callback: UpdateCurrentUserPhoneCallback)

Changes the user’s phone number that is used for two-factor authentication. Changes are made on the user data storage side (server-side).

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fun updateSocialFriends(platform: FriendsPlatform?, callback: UpdateSocialFriendsCallback)

Begins processing to update a list of user’s friends from a social provider. Please note that there may be a delay in data processing because of the Xsolla Login server or provider server high loads.

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fun updateUsersAttributesFromClient(    attributes: List<UserAttribute>?,     publisherProjectId: Int?,     removingKeys: List<String>?,     callback: UpdateUsersAttributesCallback)

Updates the values of user attributes with the specified IDs. The method can be used to create and remove attributes. Changes are made on the user data storage side (server side).

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fun uploadCurrentUserAvatar(file: File, callback: UploadCurrentUserAvatarCallback)

Changes the user’s avatar. Changes are made on the user data storage side (server side).


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val refreshToken: String?

Get refresh token

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val token: String?

Get authentication token

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val tokenExpireTime: Long?

Get token expire time


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