
data class OrderResponse(    val orderId: Int,     val status: OrderResponse.Status? = null,     val content: OrderResponse.Content? = null)


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fun OrderResponse(    orderId: Int,     status: OrderResponse.Status? = null,     content: OrderResponse.Content? = null)


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data class Content(    val price: OrderResponse.Price? = null,     val virtualPrice: OrderResponse.VirtualPrice? = null,     val isFree: Boolean,     val items: List<OrderResponse.Item> = emptyList())
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data class Item(    val sku: String? = null,     val quantity: Long,     val isFree: Boolean,     val price: OrderResponse.Price? = null)
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data class Price(    val amount: String? = null,     val amountWithoutDiscount: String? = null,     val currency: String? = null)
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enum Status : Enum<OrderResponse.Status>
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data class VirtualPrice(    val amount: Long,     val amountWithoutDiscount: String? = null,     val currency: String? = null)


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val content: OrderResponse.Content? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "order_id")
val orderId: Int
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val status: OrderResponse.Status? = null


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