SDK for / Overview

FSubscriptionDetails Struct Reference

Public Attributes

int32 id = 0
int32 plan_id = 0
FString plan_external_id
FString plan_name
FString plan_description
FDateTime plan_start_date
FDateTime plan_end_date
int32 product_id = 0
FString product_external_id
FString product_name
FString product_description
FString status
bool is_in_trial = false
int32 trial_period = 0
FDateTime date_create
FDateTime date_next_charge
FDateTime date_last_charge
FSubscriptionCharge charge
FSubscriptionPeriod period
FDateTime date_end
bool is_renew_possible = false
bool is_change_to_non_renew_possible = false
bool is_change_plan_allowed = false

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