
data class GameItem(    val sku: String = "",     val name: String? = null,     val groups: List<Group> = emptyList(),     val attributes: List<GameAttribute> = emptyList(),     val type: String? = null,     val unitType: String? = null,     val description: String? = null,     val imageUrl: String? = null,     val unitItem: List<GameUnitItem> = emptyList())


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fun GameItem(    sku: String = "",     name: String? = null,     groups: List<Group> = emptyList(),     attributes: List<GameAttribute> = emptyList(),     type: String? = null,     unitType: String? = null,     description: String? = null,     imageUrl: String? = null,     unitItem: List<GameUnitItem> = emptyList())


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val attributes: List<GameAttribute>
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val description: String? = null
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val groups: List<Group>
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@SerializedName(value = "image_url")
val imageUrl: String? = null
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val name: String? = null
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val sku: String
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val type: String? = null
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val unitItem: List<GameUnitItem>
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@SerializedName(value = "unit_type")
val unitType: String? = null


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