
object Companion


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fun clearCartById(callback: ClearCartByIdCallback, cartId: String)

Removes all items from the cart with the specified ID.

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fun clearCurrentCart(callback: ClearCurrentCartCallback)

Updates the quantity of a previously added item in the cart with the specified ID. If there is no item with the specified SKU in the cart, it will be added.

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fun createOrderByItemSku(    callback: CreateOrderCallback,     itemSku: String,     options: PaymentOptions? = PaymentOptions(),     quantity: Long = 1,     externalTransactionToken: String? = null)

Create an order with a specified item

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fun createOrderByVirtualCurrency(    callback: CreateOrderByVirtualCurrencyCallback,     itemSku: String,     virtualCurrencySku: String,     customParameters: JSONObject? = null)

Creates an order with a specified item. The created order will get a new order status.

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fun createOrderFromCartById(    callback: CreateOrderCallback,     cartId: String,     options: PaymentOptions? = PaymentOptions(),     externalTransactionToken: String? = null)

Creates an order with items from the cart with the specified ID. Returns the payment token and order ID.

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fun createOrderFromCurrentCart(    callback: CreateOrderCallback,     options: PaymentOptions? = PaymentOptions(),     externalTransactionToken: String? = null)

Creates an order with items from the cart of the current user. Returns the payment token and order ID.

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fun createOrderWithFreeCart(callback: CreateFreeOrderCallback, cartId: String? = null)

Create order with free cart

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fun createOrderWithSpecifiedFreeItem(    callback: CreateFreeOrderCallback,     itemSku: String,     quantity: Long = 1)

Create an order with a specified free item

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fun createPaymentToken(    callback: CreatePaymentTokenCallback,     purchase: PurchaseObject,     settings: PaymentTokenBodySettings? = null,     customParameters: JSONObject? = null)

Creates a new payment token.

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fun deleteItemFromCartByCartId(    callback: DeleteItemFromCartByIdCallback,     cartId: String,     itemSku: String)

Removes the item from the cart with the specified ID.

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fun deleteItemFromCurrentCart(callback: DeleteItemFromCurrentCartCallback, itemSku: String)

Removes the item from the current user cart.

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fun fillCartByIdWithItems(    callback: FillSpecificCartWithItemsCallback,     cartId: String,     items: List<FillCartItem>)

Fills the current user cart with items. If there is already an item with the same SKU in the cart, the existing item position will be replaced by the passed value.

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fun fillCurrentCartWithItems(callback: FillCartWithItemsCallback, items: List<FillCartItem>)

Fills the cart with the specified ID with items. If there is already an item with the same SKU in the cart, the existing item position will be replaced by the passed value.

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fun getBundle(callback: GetBundleCallback, bundleSku: String)

Returns information about the contents of the specified bundle. In the bundle settings, display in the store must be enabled.

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fun getBundleList(    callback: GetBundleListCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = emptyList(),     country: String? = null)

Returns a list of bundles according to pagination settings. The list includes bundles for which display in the store is enabled in the settings.

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fun getCartById(    callback: GetCartByIdCallback,     cartId: String,     currency: String? = null,     locale: String? = null)

Returns a list of items from the cart with the specified ID. For each item, complete data is returned.

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fun getCouponRewardsByCode(callback: GetCouponRewardsByCodeCallback, couponCode: String)

Returns a list of items that can be credited to the user when the coupon is redeemed. Can be used to let users choose one of many items as a bonus. The usual case is choosing a DRM if the coupon contains a game as a bonus. The usual case is choosing a DRM if the coupon contains a game as a bonus (type=unit).

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fun getCurrentCart(    callback: GetCurrentUserCartCallback,     currency: String? = null,     locale: String? = null)

Returns a list of items from the cart of the current user. For each item, complete data is returned.

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fun getDrmList(callback: GetDrmListCallback)

Gets the list of available DRMs.

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fun getGameForCatalog(    callback: GetGameForCatalogCallback,     itemSku: String,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null,     country: String? = null)

Gets a game for the catalog.

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fun getGameKeyForCatalog(    callback: GetGameKeyForCatalogCallback,     itemSku: String,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null,     country: String? = null)

Gets a game key for the catalog.

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fun getGameKeysListByGroup(    callback: GetGameKeysListByGroupCallback,     externalId: String,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null,     country: String? = null)

Gets a game key list from the specified group for building a catalog.

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fun getGamesList(    callback: GetGamesListCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null,     country: String? = null)

Gets a games list for building a catalog.

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fun getGamesListByGroup(    callback: GetGamesListByGroupCallback,     externalId: String,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null,     country: String? = null)

Gets a games list from the specified group for building a catalog.

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fun getItemsBySpecifiedGroup(    callback: GetVirtualItemsByGroupCallback,     externalId: String = "all",     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String> = listOf(),     country: String? = null)

Returns a list of items for the specified group according to pagination settings. The list includes items for which display in the store is enabled in the settings. In the settings of the group, the display in the store must be enabled.

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fun getItemsGroups(callback: GetItemsGroupsCallback)

Returns a full list of virtual item groups. The list includes groups for which display in the store is enabled in the settings.

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fun getListOfOwnedGames(    callback: GetListOfOwnedGamesCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     isSandbox: Int = 1,     additionalFields: List<String>? = null)

Get the list of games owned by the user. The response will contain an array of games owned by a particular user.

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fun getOrder(callback: GetOrderCallback, orderId: String)

Get a specified order

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fun getOrderStatus(listener: OrderStatusListener, orderId: String)

Subscribes to order status updates.

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fun getPromocodeRewardsByCode(callback: GetPromocodeRewardByCodeCallback, promocode: String)

Returns a list of items that can be credited to the user when the promo code is activated. Allows users to choose from several available items. The usual case is choosing a DRM if the promo code contains a game as a bonus (type=unit).

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fun getVirtualCurrency(    callback: GetVirtualCurrencyCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String> = listOf(),     country: String? = null)

Returns a list of virtual currencies according to pagination settings.

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fun getVirtualCurrencyPackage(    callback: GetVirtualCurrencyPackageCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = listOf(),     country: String? = null)

Returns a list of virtual currency packages according to pagination settings. The list includes packages for which display in the store is enabled in the settings.

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fun getVirtualItems(    callback: GetVirtualItemsCallback,     limit: Int = 50,     offset: Int = 0,     locale: String? = null,     additionalFields: List<String>? = listOf(),     country: String? = null,     requestGeoLocale: Boolean? = null)

Returns a list of virtual items according to pagination settings. The list includes items for which display in the store is enabled in the settings. For each virtual item, complete data is returned.

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fun getVirtualItemsShort(callback: GetVirtualItemsShortCallback, locale: String? = null)

Returns a full list of virtual items. The list includes items for which display in the store is enabled in the settings. For each virtual item, the SKU, name, description, and data about the groups it belongs to are returned.

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fun init(projectId: Int, token: String? = null)

Initialize SDK

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fun redeemCoupon(    callback: RedeemCouponCallback,     couponCode: String,     selectedUnitItems: Pair<String, String>? = null)

Redeems the coupon code and delivers a reward to the user in one of the following ways:

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fun redeemGameCode(    callback: RedeemGameCodeCallback,     code: String,     isSandbox: Boolean)

Grants entitlement by a provided game code.

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fun redeemPromocode(    callback: RedeemPromocodeCallback,     promocode: String,     selectedUnitItems: Pair<String, String>? = null,     cartId: String = "current")

Redeems a promo code. After activating the promo code, the user gets free items and/or the price of the cart is reduced.

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fun removePromocode(callback: RemovePromocodeCallback, cartId: String = "current")

Removes a promo code from a cart. After the promo code is removed, the total price of all items in the cart will be recalculated without bonuses and discounts provided by a promo code.

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fun setAuthToken(token: String)

Set authentication token

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fun updateItemFromCartByCartId(    callback: UpdateItemFromCartByCartIdCallback,     cartId: String,     itemSku: String,     quantity: Long)

Updates the quantity of a previously added item in the cart with the specified ID. If there is no item with the specified SKU in the cart, it will be added.

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fun updateItemFromCurrentCart(    callback: UpdateItemFromCurrentCartCallback,     itemSku: String,     quantity: Long)

Updates the quantity of a previously added item in the current user cart. If there is no item with the specified SKU in the cart, it will be added.


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