Instalar recurso

  1. Download Unity.
  2. Pick a personal or professional Unity license based on your preferences.
  3. Create a new Unity project.
  4. Download the asset.
  5. Unzip the package.
  6. In the Unity editor, go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package in the main menu and select the asset.
  7. Make sure that the Mono compiler is used for creating a game build (for standalone builds only). To do this:
    1. Click Edit > Project Settings in the main menu.
    2. Go to the Other Settings > Configuration section.
    3. Make sure that Mono is chosen in the Scripting Backend field.

After installing the asset, launch the Xsollus demo scene from the Assets > Xsolla > DemoCommon > Scene directory. The demo scene shows the features of the asset and represents a possible implementation of the application logic.

For the demo scene, a project in Publisher Account is preset and an in-game store is fully configured.

Default values for the Xsollus demo scene:

Login ID026201e3-7e40-11ea-a85b-42010aa80004
Project ID77640

You can use the demo scene in two ways:

  • as an example
  • as an initial version of the login system, inventory, and in-game store in order to get a quick result and expand its capabilities if necessary

To use the demo scene or its parts in your application, add it in build settings:

  1. Go to Assets > Xsolla > DemoCommon > Scene and launch the Xsollus scene.
  2. Open File > Build settings and click Add Open Scenes.

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