SDK para Unity (PC, web) / Descripción general
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SDK para Unity (PC, web)

Se ha producido un error al ejecutar contenido de Unity en la página de la compilación WebGL

Descripción del problema

The issue appears in some cases when logging in to a WebGL build. The following error message is displayed:

The problem occurs because the IL2CPP compiler is used when building in WebGL. It optimizes the project and removes unused code from libraries. The compiler cannot correctly determine whether a module, class, or method is being used in a project if reflection is used to retrieve objects. The problem is described in more detail in the Unity documentation.

Issue status: Can’t be fixed on the SDK side.

Solución alternativa

  1. Open Unity project.
  2. In the main menu, go to Edit > Project Settings.
  3. In the Player section, go to the WebGL build settings tab.
  4. Go to the Other Settings section.
  5. Uncheck Strip engine code box.
  6. Go to the Publishing Settings section.
  7. Check the Decompression Fallback box.
  8. Create a new WebGL build.
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Última actualización: 15 de Septiembre de 2023

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