Configurer un projet Unity

  1. Open your Unity project.
  2. Click Window > Xsolla > Edit Settings in the main menu.
  3. Specify project parameters in the Inspector panel:
    1. In the Login ID field, specify the Login ID from Publisher Account.
If you use your own authorization system, you do not need to fill in the Login ID field.
    1. In the Project ID field, specify the Project ID from Publisher Account.
    2. In the Web Store URL field specify the site address of the in-game items store (optional).
You can create the site for an in-game item store using Site Builder. When setting up Site Builder, use the same Login project as when setting up the Cross-Buy asset.
    1. In the Authorization method field, select OAuth2.0.
    2. In the OAuth2.0 client ID field, specify Client ID received when setting up OAuth 2.0 in Publisher Account.

As a result, your project in Publisher Account will be connected to the demo scene.

  1. Launch the demo scene Assets > Xsolla > DemoCommon > Scene > Xsollus and make sure that the authorization and other functions are working correctly.
  2. Design an interface for the login system and other pages for your application.
You can create your own solution by following Unity instructions, or use the demo scene as a template. To adapt the demo scene interface to your application, use the UI builder.
  1. Set up event handling according to your application logic using SDK methods. Follow the step-by-step tutorials to get started with basic SDK features.
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