SDK para Unity (PC, web) / Visão geral
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SDK para Unity (PC, web)


Sign the licensing agreement. To do this, in Publisher Account, go to the Agreements & Taxes > Agreements section, complete the agreement form, and wait for the confirmation. The agreement review may take up to 3 business days.

After you launch the project, you can receive real payments. To switch to live mode in your Unity project, uncheck the Test Payments Mode box in the Inspector panel.

To test the payment process, you can make a real payment and then initiate a refund via Publisher Account.

After the launch of the project, payment by any methods is available, but we recommend that you use Visa or MasterCard cards for testing.

To make a refund, follow the steps below:

  1. In Publisher Account, go to the Support > Transaction search section.
  2. Choose the test transaction in the Complete status and click the More (•••) menu button. Click Refund in the pop-up menu.

After the first real payment is made, a strict sandbox payment policy takes effect. Payments made in sandbox mode are available only to users who are specified in Publisher Account in the Company settings > Users section.
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Última atualização: 10 de Outubro de 2023

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