SDK para Unity (PC, web) / Como integrar SDKs em projetos para aplicativos Android
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SDK para Unity (PC, web)

Como integrar SDKs em projetos para aplicativos Android


When developing projects for Android applications, follow these recommendations:

  1. Set up native authentication via social networks.

Currently, native authentication is supported by the following social networks:
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • WeChat
  • QQ
For other social networks, set up web-based authentication.
  1. Set up deep links to return users to the application after they confirm registration via email.
  2. Customize registration confirmation email.
You can disable sending of registration confirmation emails if your security principles allow it. Contact your Account Manager to disable it, or email
  1. Choose and set up the most suitable method of working with an in-game store. If you wish, you don’t have to implement the cart feature in your game. Instead, implement the ability to make an in-game purchase by clicking the Buy button.
  2. Set up user redirection to your application after making a payment via an external browser.
  3. Follow the Unity customization instruction to customize the UI for errors and pop-ups. Errors and pop-ups in the integration demo are created for game developers. Therefore, make them more suitable for the end users of your application.
  1. Open your project in Publisher Account.
  2. To set up user redirection to the application after they confirm registration:
    1. In the side menu, сlick Login.
    2. Select the Login project and click Configure.
    3. On the navigation page, go to the Security block and select the OAuth 2.0 section.
    4. Click on the pencil icon in the line of the required OAuth 2.0 client.
    5. Specify an OAuth 2.0 redirect URI (a path in the application the user is redirected to after successful authentication, email confirmation, or password reset). You can specify multiple valid URIs.
    6. Click Save changes.
The URI must match the scheme app://xlogin.<ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME>, where <ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME> is the package name of the Android application.
  1. To set up user redirection to your application after they make a payment via an external browser:
    1. Click Pay Station in the side menu.
    2. Go to the Settings tab.
    3. Specify the required parameters in the Redirect policy section.
    4. Click Save.
The return URL (the path in the application the user is redirected to after making a payment) must match the scheme app://xpayment.<ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME>, where <ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME> is the package name of the Android application.
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