Additional features


Social Auth Webhook URLContact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set it up. See the instruction.
Resetting previous authentication while logging in via a new deviceSet by the with_logout parameter in the authentication request.
Authentication via device IDAvailable in Login API (JWT and OAuth 2.0).

Login widget

Newsletter consent checkboxFollow the instruction to set it up.
Sorting social networks by user location and frequency of usingContact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set it up.
Widget UI localization into 20 languagesUI texts are localized in the same 20 languages as B2C emails.
Widget start page customizationFollow the instruction to set it up.
Requesting additional user data when creating the account via social networksAllows to request user data that is not returned by social networks. Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set it up.


Cross-platform publishing ecosystemsFeatures:
Application of privacy and cookie policiesRefer to the instruction for more information about setting up your own terms and policies.
Accounting for age-restriction that depends on the user’s location when logging in/creating an accountRefer to the instructions to set up age restrictions.
Age confirmation for the users from South Korea using the okname service via SMSRefer to the instructions to set up age restrictions for South Korea.
B2C emails localization into 20 languagesOnly the preset text is localized. Arabic (ar_AE), Bulgarian (bg_BG), Czech (cz_CZ), English (en_XX), German (de_DE), Spanish (es_ES), French (fr_FR), Hebrew (he_IL), Italian (it_IT), Japanese (ja_JP), Korean (ko_KR), Polish (pl_PL), Portuguese (pt_BR), Romanian (ro_RO), Russian (ru_RU), Thai (th_TH), Turkish (tr_TR), Vietnamese (vi_VN), Chinese Simplified (zh_CN), Chinese Traditional (zh_TW).
WebhooksAvailable in Login API.
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Last updated: August 2, 2024

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