Comparison of user data storage options

The number of available product features for Login depends on the connected user data storage.

FeaturesXsolla storagePlayFab storageFirebase storageCustom storage
Registration without email confirmationContact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set this upContact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set this up-Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set this up
Authentication via username and password++++
Authentication via social networks+Available only for TwitchAvailable only for Google and Facebook+
OAuth 2.0 protocol-based authentication+++-
Silent authentication+--+
Necessity to confirm an email address after registration+Follow the instructions to set this upEmail address is confirmed on Firebase’s side+
Extended registration formContact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set up additional fields. The list of available fields is limited.Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set up additional fields. The list of field types is limited.Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set up additional fields. The list of field types is limited.Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set up additional fields. The list of field types is limited.
The ability to connect Mailchimp++++
Adding external ID for a projectSpecified using the Link user IDs via external ID call.Specified automatically as the PlayFab ID valueSpecified automatically as the localId valueSpecified using the Link user IDs via external ID call. You can add it during registration. Contact your Customer Success Manager or email to to set this up.
The ability to apply user attributes+User attributes are stored on Xsolla’s sideUser attributes are stored on Xsolla’s sideUser attributes are stored on Xsolla’s side
Checking age restrictions++++
The ability to resend an account confirmation email (previous version of widget)+Follow the instructions to set this up++
Cross-inventory support+---
Multi-factor authentication support++++
Sending emailsEmails are sent from Xsolla’s sideEmails are sent from PlayFab’s sideEmails are sent from Firebase’s sideEmails are sent from Xsolla’s side
Customizing emailsSet up in Publisher AccountSet up on PlayFab’s sideSet up on Firebase’s sideSet up in Publisher Account
Managing users via Publisher Account++++
User account support++++
System for managing user’s friends++++
Personal data processing in compliance with GDPROnly on Xsolla’s sideOnly on Xsolla’s sideOnly on Xsolla’s sideOnly on Xsolla’s side
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Last updated: July 31, 2024

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