Create project

Sign up to Publisher Account

Publisher Account is the main tool to configure Xsolla features, as well as to work with analytics and transactions.

The data about the company and your application specified during registration will be used to create a draft licensing agreement with Xsolla and to generate recommendations on solutions that are suitable for you. You can change the data later, but providing the correct data when you sign up will speed up the process of signing the licensing agreement.

To sign up, go to Publisher Account and create an account.


The password from Publisher Account can consist of Latin letters, numerals, and special characters and must contain at least:

  • 8 characters
  • one digit
  • one capital letter
  • one lowercase letter

To ensure password security, we recommend:

  • changing your password at least once every 90 days
  • using a new password that does not match the last 4 passwords on your account
  • using a unique password that does not match passwords used anywhere else
  • not storing your password where it is easily accessible
  • using password managers to store your password

Publisher account uses two-factor authentication and sends a confirmation code with each authentication attempt.

Create project in Publisher Account

If you have multiple applications, we recommend creating a separate project for each application. Based on the data specified during project creation, Xsolla generates recommendations on solutions that are suitable for you.

To create a new project:

  1. Open Publisher Account.
  2. In the side menu, click Create project.

  1. Enter your project name in English (required).

After you’ve created the project, you can add additional languages and localized project names in the Project settings section.

  1. Select one or several release platforms of your game (required).
  2. Add a link to your game. If your game doesn’t have a website yet, add a link to the source that includes information about the game (required).
  3. Select the game engine.
  4. Select the monetization options you use or plan to use.
  5. Specify if the game is already released. If the game hasn’t been released yet, specify the planned release date.
  6. Click Create project. You will see a page with the Xsolla products recommended for you.

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Last updated: October 9, 2024

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