Button mini application
To create a mini application:
- In your Publisher Account, go to the Metaframe section.
- In the Custom sections block, click Add new app.

- If you want the mini application to be activated immediately after creation, set the Enable toggle to active.
A green indicator is displayed next to the names of activated mini applications, while a black indicator is displayed next to deactivated ones.
- Choose Button as a mini application type.
- Enter the name of the mini application. It is not displayed in the widget interface but is used for navigation in Publisher Account.
- Enter the URL of a web application which will be displayed in the widget menu.
To ensure optimal display in the Metaframe widget menu, the mini application interface must not exceed 48 x 48 px.
- Choose if a mini application should be displayed in Metaframe before or after the user is logged in.
- Click Create app.
The created mini application can be edited or deleted.
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