General information

To customize the Metaframe, you can add lightweight mini applications designed to perform specific tasks or functions.

Custom sections types


Allows to integrate content from the website or web application as an iframe in a Metaframe widget.


Dispatches a Metaframe custom event when clicking the icon of the corresponding mini application in the Metaframe widget menu.

To link your mini application with one of the available custom events, an Action ID is used. It is generated automatically.

For example, if your Action ID is 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000,
then the name of your custom event will be:


Allows to integrate content from the web application into a Metaframe widget menu. For example, a timer or volume controller.

To ensure optimal display in the Metaframe widget menu, the mini application interface must not exceed 48 x 48 px.
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Last updated: January 30, 2025

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