Creator statistics

You can view statistics on the streams of creators that interest you. This will help you analyze data on the creator’s channel and decide whether it is worth working with this creator. The statistics take into account data on all creators, not just those registered in the Partner Network. However, for the statistics to be available, the creator must have at least two viewers for their streams on Twitch or YouTube.

If a creator is not registered in the Partner Network, you can view their statistics, but you can’t add them to your campaign.
You can view statistics on:

General statistics

To view overall creator statistics:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account and go to Partner Network > Сreators > Discover creators section.
  2. To go to the creator page, click on the creator card or line. If necessary, use the search bar.
  3. On the page that opens, select the desired period for displaying statistics and switch to the tab of the required social network from the options provided. The page will display general information about the creator:
    • The creator’s country, streaming language, the number of subscribers on different platforms and their links, and the Invite to campaign button are displayed in the top panel.
    • The Games block with the list of games the creator has streamed in Twitch and YouTube.
    • The Statistics block displays the following data in the form of graphs:
      • Growth and dynamics of subscriber count.
      • Maximum number of unique viewers during the streaming.
      • Average number of viewers during the streaming.
      • Duration of the streamings.
      • Popular streaming times: days or hours.

Statistics by streams

To view statistics on a creator’s streams:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account and go to Partner Network > Creators > Discover creators section.
  2. To go to the creator page, click on the creator card or line. If necessary, use the search bar.
  3. In the Statistics block, go to the Streams Details tab.
  4. The page that opens displays a table with the creator’s recent streams and detailed information:
    • Date.
    • Stream title.
    • Maximum number of unique viewers during the streaming.
    • Average number of viewers.
    • Total stream viewing time.
    • Stream duration.
    • List of games featured in the stream. The game titles and logos are displayed correctly if the creator has set up their stream correctly on Twitch.

To view statistics on a specific stream, click on the stream row in the table. The page that opens displays statistics for the stream:

  • In the form of a graph for all games:
    • Stream duration.
    • Stream time. For example, from 8:00 PM to 9:10 PM.
    • Maximum number of viewers.
  • In the form of a table for each game:
    • Maximum number of viewers at once.
    • Average number of viewers.
    • Total stream viewing time.
    • Stream duration.

Statistics by games

To view statistics on a specific game that the creator has streamed:

  1. Open your project in Publisher Account and go to Partner Network > Creators > Discover creators section.
  2. To go to the creator page, click on the creator card or line. If necessary, use the search bar.
  3. In the Games table, statistics for each game will be displayed:
    • Total hours of streaming.
    • Total number of streams.
    • Average number of viewers.
    • Total stream viewing time.
    • Total watch time.
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    Last updated: March 10, 2025

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