How to open external browser from game launcher

How it works

The WebView application allows you to open the payment UI inside a game launcher, but it has limitations, for example, it can’t access saved passwords or open several tabs. This means users can’t make a purchase using payment methods that require additional user verification with redirection to a new browser tab, e.g., 3-D Secure or PayPal authentication.

To bypass this limitation, you can configure the opening of the payment UI in a new tab of an external browser that a user sets as their default browser (onwards – the external browser) to allow users to make a purchase, save payment methods, and return to a game.

Make purchase

User flow

  1. A user opens a WebView application to make a purchase, and clicks Buy.
  2. The payment UI opens in a WebView application, and a user chooses a payment method.

  1. A user is automatically redirected to a new tab of an external browser to make a purchase.

The WebView application displays the description of steps to be completed in an opened tab of the external browser.

  1. A user enters their data and confirms the purchase in an external browser tab. If the purchase is successful, there is a notification about the successful purchase.
  2. A user returns to the WebView application where there is also a notification about the successful purchase and a button to return to the game.
  3. A user closes a WebView application in the launcher and returns to the game.
The button for returning to the game is displayed only in a WebView application in a launcher. The external browser displays only a notification about the successful purchase. To configure redirect settings, refer to the instruction.

Setting up

To set up a redirection from a launcher to a default browser to make a purchase, pass the settings.ui.is_independent_windows: true parameter in the token.
Example of the request for obtaining a token
Full screen
Small screen
        "user": {
            "id": {
                "value": "158804750"
            "email": {
                "value": ""
            "country": {
                "value": "US"
        "settings": {
            "mode": "sandbox",
            "project_id": 53737,
            "language": "en",
            "currency": "USD",
            "ui": {
                "is_independent_windows": true,
                "user_account": {
                    "payment_accounts": {
                        "order": 1,
                        "enable": false
                    "history": {
                        "order": 2,
                        "enable": true
        "purchase": {
            "description": {
                "value": "Test purchase",
                "items": [
                        "name": "Test purchase",
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "price": {
                            "amount": "19.99"
                        "image_url": "\/\/\/wn7ipiv9ue5v\/2E36gdKHDOIRmxX6H1y2h2\/6941cea2e876c0466e79a16eccab0351\/greatWhiteCard.jpg"
            "checkout": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "amount": 19.99

    Save payment account

    User flow

    1. On your application’s side, a user goes to a page to manage their saved payment accounts.

    1. User clicks Add new method.
    2. In the window that opens, a user chooses a payment account.

    1. A user is automatically redirected to a new tab of an external browser to verify their account.

    Your application displays the description of steps to be completed in an opened tab of the external browser.

    1. A user enters and confirms their data in an external browser tab. If successful, there is a notification that a user can return to the application.

    The method will be automatically added to the user’s list of saved payment accounts in your application.

    Setting up

    To set up a redirection to an external browser to save a payment account, pass the following parameters in the token: settings.ui.mode: user and settings.ui.is_independent_windows: true.
    To process saved payment methods and initiate charges, use tokenization.
    Example of the request for obtaining a token
    Full screen
    Small screen
          "user": {
              "id": {
                  "value": "test",
                  "hidden": true
              "email": {
                  "value": ""
              "country": {
                  "value": "US",
                  "allow_modify": true
          "settings": {
              "project_id": 136187,
              "language": "en",
              "currency": "USD",
              "ui": {
              "mode": "user_account",
                  "is_independent_windows": true
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      Last updated: March 26, 2024

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