Gift subscription

You can include a feature in your application that enables users to gift subscriptions to others. This can help boost revenue and attract new users.

How it works

A user can gift a subscription to an existing user in your system by specifying their account information or to a new user by specifying their email address. In this case, the user sending the gift can hide their name or add a text message to the gift email notification. After creating a subscription, the gift recipient becomes its owner. The created subscription is of the one-time payment renewal type.

Interaction flow when gifting a subscription to an existing user:

Interaction flow when gifting a subscription to a new user:

How to set it up

You can set up the ability to gift a subscription in your app:

Gift to an existing user

  1. Implement in your application an interface for purchasing a gift subscription with the following elements:
    • fields for entering data of the gift recipient
    • field for entering a message from the sender (optional)
    • option to select anonymous sending (optional)
    • elements for selecting a subscription plan (optional)

  1. Implement receiving a token after filling in the gift details when proceeding to the payment. To do this, pass the object to the Create token API call with the following parameters:
    • recipient — ID of the subscription recipient. Required.
    • email — recipient’s email address. Required.
    • redirect_url — redirect URL. Provide a link to a page with additional information about the gifted subscription or to the main page of the project.
If the redirect_url is not passed in the token, the gift recipient will not be able to navigate to the gifted subscription from the gift notification email.

  • Additionally, you can pass the following parameters in the purchase.subscription object:
    • gift.anonymous — whether the gift was sent anonymously. If true, the sender’s name is hidden in the email notification. Defaults to false.
    • gift.message — message from the sender of the gift. Sent in an email notification of the gifted subscription.
    • plan_id — subscription plan ID.

Example of a request to receive a token:

Full screen
Small screen
  "purchase": {
    "checkout": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": 10
    "subscription": {
      "gift": {
        "recipient": "test_recipient_v1",
        "email": "",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "anonymous": true,
        "message": "Happy birthday!"
  "settings": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "language": "en",
    "project_id": 16184,
    "ui": {
      "components": {
        "virtual_currency": {
          "custom_amount": true
      "desktop": {
        "virtual_item_list": {
          "button_with_price": true,
          "layout": "list"
      "size": "medium"
  "user": {
    "country": {
      "allow_modify": true,
      "value": "US"
    "age": 19,
    "email": {
      "value": ""
    "id": {
      "value": "user_2"
    "name": {
      "value": "John Smith"
  1. Using the token received in step 2, open the payment interface in a new window, in an Iframe, or using Pay Station Embed.

Gift to a new user

  1. Implement in your application an interface for purchasing a gift subscription with the following elements:
    • fields for entering the email address of the gift recipient
    • field for entering a message from the sender (optional)
    • option to select anonymous sending (optional)
    • elements for selecting a subscription plan (optional)
  2. Implement the new user creation and assign an ID to it in your system.
  3. Create a link to activate the user account.
Subscriptions may only be sold to authorized users.
  1. Implement receiving a token after filling in the gift details when proceeding to payment. To do this, pass the object with the parameters to the Create token API call:
    • recipient — the subscription recipient ID created in step 2.
    • email — recipient’s email address.
    • redirect_url — activation URL created in step 3.
If the redirect_url is not passed in the token, the gift recipient will not be able to navigate to the gifted subscription from the gift notification email.

  • Additionally, you can pass the following parameters in the purchase.subscription object:
    • gift.anonymous — whether the gift was sent anonymously. If true, the sender’s name is hidden in the email notification. Defaults to false.
    • gift.message — message from the sender of the gift. Sent in an email notification of the gifted subscription.
    • plan_id — subscription plan ID.

Example of a request to receive a token:

Full screen
Small screen
  "purchase": {
    "checkout": {
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": 10
    "subscription": {
      "gift": {
        "recipient": "test_recipient_v1",
        "email": "",
        "redirect_url": "",
        "anonymous": true,
        "message": "Happy birthday!"
  "settings": {
    "currency": "USD",
    "language": "en",
    "project_id": 16184,
    "ui": {
      "components": {
        "virtual_currency": {
          "custom_amount": true
      "desktop": {
        "virtual_item_list": {
          "button_with_price": true,
          "layout": "list"
      "size": "medium"
  "user": {
    "country": {
      "allow_modify": true,
      "value": "US"
    "age": 19,
    "email": {
      "value": ""
    "id": {
      "value": "user_2"
    "name": {
      "value": "John Smith"
  1. Using the token received in step 4, open the payment interface in a new window, in an Iframe, or using Pay Station Embed.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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