User account

Users can manage the following information from their account:

  • public profile:
    • avatar
    • nickname
  • personal profile:
    • name and surname
    • date of birth

Users can set their date of birth only once. This value can’t be changed in the future.
    • gender
    • phone number
    • email
To set additional user or game character parameters, refer to the instruction on how to work with user attributes.
To implement the user account functionality:
  1. In the application UI, add forms for viewing and managing the user account.
  2. Use the following SDK methods to implement the logic of working with user accounts:
SDK method nameDescription
Checks the user’s age for a particular region. The age requirements depend on the region. Service determines the user’s location by the IP address.
Returns information about the user.
Updates the specified user’s information. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
Gets the user’s email.
Returns the user’s phone number that is used for two-factor authentication.
Changes the user’s phone number that is used for two-factor authentication. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
Deletes the user’s phone number that is used for two-factor authentication. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
Changes the user’s avatar. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
Deletes the user’s avatar. Changes are made on the user data storage side.
If you don’t want to implement an interface and additional logic for working with user accounts, implement opening user accounts by URL in an iframe or new browser tab.
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Last updated: January 22, 2024

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