Integrate SDK on application side

After installing and initializing SDK:

  1. Initialize the payment UI specifying the payment method ID and redirect URL:
    • The headlessCheckout.form.init method returns an object used for further interaction with the payment UI.
    • The redirect URL is used to redirect the user, for example, after completing the 3-D Secure verification.
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await headlessCheckout.form.init({
  paymentMethodId: ID,
  returnUrl: 'returnUrl',
  1. Add the following components to the HTML markup of the payment UI:
    • Mandatory components:
      • psdk-legal — to display information about legal documents.
      • psdk-total — to display the total purchase amount.
    • Payment form components. You can either use the built-in psdk-payment-form component or manually create payment UI elements using the ready-to-use components.
    • The payment button component — psdk-submit-button.
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<psdk-submit-button text="Pay"></psdk-submit-button>
  1. Add the handling of the check_status event for the payment status change.
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headlessCheckout.form.onNextAction((nextAction) => {
  switch (nextAction.type) {
    case 'check_status': {
      showStatus = true;
  1. Add the psdk-status component to the HTML markup of the payment UI to display a payment status.
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@if (showStatus) {
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Last updated: March 4, 2025

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