SDK components
The table below shows the SDK components and their descriptions. The secured components are used for sensitive user data input.
Component | Secured component | Description |
psdk-3ds | 3D-Secure 2.0 verification. | |
psdk-apple-pay | Yes. | Button to pay via Apple Pay. |
psdk-card-number | Yes. | Card number input field. |
psdk-cash-payment-instruction | Instructions for paying with cash. | |
psdk-checkbox | Component to display checkboxes in the payment UI. For example, a checkbox that allows the user to save their card for future payments. | |
psdk-default-submit-button | Purchase button (without additional logic for Apple Pay). If you want to accept payments via Apple Pay, use the psdk-submit-button component. | |
psdk-finance-details | Purchase details. | |
psdk-google-pay-button | Yes. | Button to pay via Google Pay. |
psdk-legal | Legal documents. Required if you don’t use the separate parts of this component ( psdk-legal-terms , psdk-legal-cookies , psdk-legal-mor , psdk-legal-support , psdk-legal-links ). | |
psdk-legal-cookies | Information about cookie files. Required if you don’t use the psdk-legal component. | |
psdk-legal-links | Links to legal documents. Required if you don’t use the psdk-legal component. | |
psdk-legal-mor | Information about Xsolla as the merchant of records. Required if you don’t use the psdk-legal component. | |
psdk-legal-support | Information about Xsolla customer support. Required if you don’t use the psdk-legal component. | |
psdk-legal-terms | Links to legal terms. Required if you don’t use the psdk-legal component. | |
psdk-payment-form | Payment UI containing all necessary payment details input fields. | |
psdk-payment-form-messages | Additional information during the payment process. | |
psdk-payment-methods | List of payment methods. | |
psdk-phone | Yes. | Phone number input field. |
psdk-price-text | Numeric value and currency. For example, US$1.49 . | |
psdk-qr-code | Yes. | QR code. |
psdk-saved-methods | List of saved payment methods. | |
psdk-secure-connection | Xsolla logo and text about secure connection. | |
psdk-select | Drop-down list box. For example, to display the installments options when paying with a credit card. | |
psdk-status | Payment status. | |
psdk-submit-button | Purchase button. Contains the embedded button to pay via Apple Pay. | |
psdk-text | Yes. | Additional information input field. |
psdk-total | Total purchase amount. Required. |
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