SDK components

The table below shows the SDK components and their descriptions. The secured components are used for sensitive user data input.

ComponentSecured componentDescription
psdk-3ds3D-Secure 2.0 verification.
psdk-apple-payYes.Button to pay via Apple Pay.
psdk-card-numberYes.Card number input field.
psdk-cash-payment-instructionInstructions for paying with cash.
psdk-checkboxComponent to display checkboxes in the payment UI. For example, a checkbox that allows the user to save their card for future payments.
psdk-default-submit-buttonPurchase button (without additional logic for Apple Pay).
If you want to accept payments via Apple Pay, use the psdk-submit-button component.
psdk-finance-detailsPurchase details.
psdk-google-pay-buttonYes.Button to pay via Google Pay.
psdk-legalLegal documents.
Required if you don’‎t use the separate parts of this component (​​psdk-legal-terms, psdk-legal-cookies, psdk-legal-mor, psdk-legal-support, psdk-legal-links).
psdk-legal-cookiesInformation about cookie files. Required if you don’‎t use the psdk-legal component.
psdk-legal-linksLinks to legal documents. Required if you don’‎t use the psdk-legal component.
psdk-legal-morInformation about Xsolla as the merchant of records. Required if you don’‎t use the psdk-legal component.
psdk-legal-supportInformation about Xsolla customer support. Required if you don’‎t use the psdk-legal component.
psdk-legal-termsLinks to legal terms. Required if you don’‎t use the psdk-legal component.
psdk-payment-formPayment UI containing all necessary payment details input fields.
psdk-payment-form-messagesAdditional information during the payment process.
psdk-payment-methodsList of payment methods.
psdk-phoneYes.Phone number input field.
psdk-price-textNumeric value and currency. For example, US$1.49.
psdk-qr-codeYes.QR code.
psdk-saved-methodsList of saved payment methods.
psdk-secure-connectionXsolla logo and text about secure connection.
psdk-selectDrop-down list box. For example, to display the installments options when paying with a credit card.
psdk-statusPayment status.
psdk-submit-buttonPurchase button. Contains the embedded button to pay via Apple Pay.
psdk-textYes.Additional information input field.
psdk-totalTotal purchase amount. Required.
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Last updated: March 4, 2025

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