SDK for Unity (PC, web) / Overview
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SDK for Unity (PC, web)

General information

You can monetize a game by selling the following items in the in-game store:

  • Virtual currency (e.g., coins, crystals) and virtual currency packages
  • Virtual items (e.g., grenades, bullets)
  • Bundles — a set of several items sold as a single unit

The item catalog solution is based on the In-Game Store product. Catalog management (e.g., adding and editing items, setting prices in real and virtual currencies) is performed in the Store section of Publisher Account.

You can limit the number of items users can purchase and set the periods after which the limits are reset. Limits are configured in Publisher Account when setting up or editing an item.

You can run promotions with coupons and promo codes to increase your sales. To do this, set up a promotional campaign the Store > LiveOps and promotion tools section of Publisher Account.

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Last updated: October 7, 2024

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