Cloud Gaming

Xsolla Cloud Gaming enables game developers to host games in cloud storage and provide remote access to users via a browser. This solution utilizes a pay-as-you-go monetization model involving payment for actual minutes of gameplay. To pay for playtime, users purchase in-game currency and spend it on game time.

The game developer can choose a server with the necessary configurations and in the desired region.

Integration flow

To integrate the Cloud Gaming solutions:

  1. Configure the prerequisites:
    1. Create a project in Publisher Account.
    2. Set up Xsolla Login.
    3. Sign the licensing agreement.
  2. Set up the solution in Publisher account.

User flow

  1. The user opens the game page in a browser.
  2. The user logs into Xsolla Wallet.
  3. The user links a bank card to the Xsolla payment system in Xsolla Wallet and purchases virtual currency to pay for the game.
  4. Xsolla credits the purchased virtual currency.
  5. The user enters the game.
  6. Xsolla deducts the virtual currency per minute throughout the game.
If the user continues playing after their purchased currency runs out, Xsolla automatically deducts money from the user’s card to purchase additional virtual currency.
Last updated: July 12, 2024

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